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Tavern WatchJan 8, 2016 2:00 pm CT

Game of Thrones Season six premieres on Sunday, April 24

Book six is still nowhere to be seen, but season six is coming. (Warning: Season 5 spoilers.)

HBO has confirmed the premiere date of season six of Game of Thrones and with it our hopes of an answer to our burning question: have they given Brienne and Pod their own spin-off show yet because, I’d watch the heck outta that. Oh, and hopefully the other question: is Jon Snow really dead?

Though the show has been diverging more and more from the books as the series has progressed (and for the better, in my opinion), this will mark the season where the material will be entirely new to fans of the novels.

Unfortunately, there is no release date in sight for the next title, Winds of Winter. George R.R. Martin had hoped to have have it done in time to be released when the new season of the show debuted, but he has explained that he is not good with deadlines and has not finished. He has however given to the showrunners the major plot points (as well as how the entire series will end) so there may be some consistency.

In the meantime, we have ten more episodes of the show to tide us over. Let’s see who survives this season, eh?

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