The Queue: The sneakiest of outfits

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Regarding transmog in legion I believe it was said that we will be able to transmog over our artifact weapons. Are we still limited to the current rules for transmog that limit us to using (A)Weapons we can actually equip and (B). Weapons that use the same number of hands. I ask because I greatly prefer the look of a sword and off hand item on my warlock but under the current transmog rules it doesn’t look like I can have this as an option with the warlock weapons in legion.
The item type restrictions don’t change. Two-handed weapons can be transmogged with other two-handed weapons. One-handers are one-handers, off-hands are off-hands, shields are shields. If you like the one-hander plus off-hand combination, keep an eye on Demonolgy. The part of the artifact they advertise is the “Skull of the Man’ari” which is a floating head — that’s actually considered your “off-hand” slot. I think the Skull of the Man’ari is a special snowflake which cannot be transmogged at all, unfortunately. The Skull can’t be transmogged because, unless I’m mistaken, some of your artifact abilities actually animate as if coming from the skull. In your main hand, though, is the Spine of Thal’kiel, which is a Main Hand Dagger, which means you’d be able to transmog it with other daggers.
In your opinion, will Legion be truly “road-ready” by launch date of 8/30? If not, how close do you think it’ll be?
I think they can come close. I’ve been leaning August/September since the alpha started, because that’s what seemed realistic. The people who were insisting on June or earlier were not paying very much attention to the state of things, I think. The alpha finally has all of its classes/specs playable, they’re finally doing some meaningful bugfixes, and endgame content is finally opening up. Things are still rough, but we’re getting more of the big picture now than we did before.
What I expect will happen is what happened with early Warlords (though hopefully the entire expansion doesn’t follow the Warlords pattern) — the expansion will launch, then we’ll get a relatively fast patch afterwards which shores up any weaknesses in the expansion’s initial offerings. Maybe quality-of-life changes which were initially overlooked, maybe bug fixes, maybe little bits and bobs they didn’t finish in time for launch, but were close. As much as we like to make fun of patch 6.1 as the “selfie patch” it actually contained some pretty nice QOL changes for garrisons. If the rest of the expansion wasn’t so lame, we’d probably look more fondly upon 6.1.
What could Blizz do in the expac after Legion to match the hype of Legion?
Ensure Legion is good. Make sure the next expansion is good. People will stick around to play a good game. If the game doesn’t match the hype, they’ll bail as fast as they can. They hyped Warlords harder than any expansion before it. That didn’t pan out, did it?
Since the introduction of transmog, do you have a certain “set” you wear when you first set out leveling in a new xpac?
Each of my characters has one transmog set they use forever and ever and ever. My paladin uses tier 11. My rogue uses tier 9. It isn’t just leveling — it’s permanent. Though once in awhile I’ll wear tier 6 on my paladin instead. Those sets are how I view those characters. I only flip-flop on which outfit a character uses until I’ve found the one that clicks with me.
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