Ask your superhero TV questions for the Tavern Queue
In this week’s Tavern Queue, let’s talk about superhero cartoons and television.
Living in a golden age of superhero TV and movies is great for me. I love superheroes, but reading comic books is one hell of an investment — keeping up on multiple series requires cold, hard cash I didn’t have as a kid. I got my superhero fix through cartoons, and even as an adult, I still watch superhero cartoons alongside the live action TV and film.
My exposure to DC characters’ varied histories is entirely thanks to the DC Animated Universe, and whatever weird reboots have happened in the comics, I’m almost completely oblivious. In a way, that’s just fine: some of the best superhero cartoons use distillations of the most successful, most iconic versions of your favorite characters. Through the cartoons, you often get the comics’ shining moments without all of the baggage in between.
Lend me your superhero TV and cartoon questions, friends. Want to know what, why, and how? Marvel, DC, or none of the above? I got you. Probably.
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