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The QueueJun 28, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: I don’t know how ice works

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!


In legion, I want to play a restoration druid with my friends up to and including pugging normal and maybe even heroic raids. However, I prefere to solo as guardian. So I was wondering: does all artifact power come from the usable items or does a weapon gain artifact power by itself for example by killing with it too?

I would like to know as I don’t want to miss out on any artifact power for my restoration weapon in the early days.

All Artifact Power comes from usable items which go in your bags. I vaguely recall some quests applying Artifact Power directly to your weapon, but even I think I’m mistaken. Those quests probably gave on-use items as well. At one point in the beta, you could click the item, then click the Artifact upon which you wanted to use it, but that’s no longer the case. When you use it, it applies to your currently equipped artifact. So you’ll want to be in the appropriate spec and have the artifact equipped when you use the items.


Guesses on 7.0 release date? Cant wait to play the event. I think the week after the 4th. No way blizz wants to screw up vaca plans for staff and players.

Speculation says July 19 or July 26. It’s only speculation, there have been no confirmations in either direction, but it’s reasonable speculation. That would give us one month with the patch prior to the official launch of Legion which is roughly what we expect, and what the devs have suggested.


What happened to the polar ice caps of Azeroth? The globe in Ulduar shows icecaps, but the globe Wrathion showed us in MoP did not. Did they melt? Was there a rise in water levels as a result (and if so, was it related to when Deathwing caused the Cataclysm)?

Any globes you see in-game should be considered non-canon. As I recall, the story writers didn’t want globes in-game, but the artists insisted for aesthetic purposes. They look cool, but they aren’t accurate. The writers would rather forego globes to maintain freedom to expand the world. If the globes are considered canon, then we’ve seen the entire world of Azeroth already and nothing more can be added. If the globes aren’t canon, there remains the possibility of islands, or entire continents, we haven’t seen before. If we ignore the globes — as the writers would prefer — it’s entirely possible we’ve only seen a fraction of the world. Maybe we’ve only seen one hemisphere. Who knows?

The globes look pretty, but they provide no information which should be considered concrete or canonical.


With only a day or so left to “upgrade” for free…should I bite the bullet and get Windows 10? Or is it still a complete pain in the ass?

I can’t stand Win8, so if it’s anything like that, nope. Currently using Win7 Home Edition on an elderly PC with 4 gigs of RAM. My main concern is that Microsoft will eventually phase out backwards-compatibility for Win7, and I might still be using this dinosaur and end up stuck with stuff that no longer works.

I couldn’t stand Windows 8, either. I’ve enjoyed Windows 10 much better. There was certainly a week or two there where I got frustrated with the transition, but once I’d figured out where the OS stuck certain things I wanted/needed to find, everything was fine. Windows 10 behaves as you would want Windows to behave. You push the Windows key, the Start menu for a desktop PC opens, not some wacky phone touchscreen wannabe.

Windows 8 was an exercise in frustration which didn’t end until I took the Windows 10 upgrade. Now, I’m happy again.


Are there any changes coming in Legion that make you not want to play your main class? I’m struggling to want to play my rogue because Outlaw, in my opinion, is the most fun spec, but I hate the pirate theme (I’ve never seen my night elf as a pirate, it just doesn’t fit). Sub and assass feel kinda weird but might just take some getting used to. And then out class order hall is in the sewers, and compared to every other order hall, that really sucks.

I don’t like the Retribution Paladin rotation in Legion. I can pinpoint quite what it is, but it feels off — something about the rhythm doesn’t agree with me. I haven’t enjoyed playing a paladin at all in the Legion beta, so it’s likely my paladin won’t be my main once the patch/expansion hits.

Your feelings on Outlaw are interesting to me, because I actually hoped they would go farther with the pirate theme. I thought the concept was really cool, but they’re pirate-y in name only, really. The gameplay doesn’t feel “pirate.” The spells names are thematically appropriate, but the gameplay effect is minimal. It’s the old Combat Rogue but a bit shinier. I liked Combat Rogue, so I’m okay with it essentially being the same thing, I just would’ve like to see what an actual pirate-y class would be like.


Will the strategy of leveling professions in Legion be like filling up the ice cube tray?

I’ve have looked only a little but one Engineering thing needed a cooking thing which (I imagine) required a fishing thing. So, is it best that we spend time on all six of our professions fairly equally lest we be burned and need some catching up to go forward?

I… don’t understand your ice cube tray comparison. Is there a technique to filling up an ice cube tray? I just turn on the faucet, spew water in there, and dump a little bit out if it’s too full. I’m not sure how that correlates to leveling professions. No comprende.

If you’re basing your experience with professions off of Engineering alone, do recall Engineering is weird. Engineering tends to use strange materials from strange places, and when an Engineering item is based around group or raid content, it’ll expect a group or raid to contribute. That said, professions in Legion do seem to have a greater emphasis on the server economy — last I looked, anyway. Blacksmithing requires lots of ore, yes, but it will also ask for leather. You’ll either need to find someone to trade with, buy it off of the auction house, or have an alt with skinning.

Given other professions will also have uses for that ore, trading or buying/selling will be more efficient than having the alt army, I think.

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