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DiscussionJan 11, 2017 8:00 am CT

Your sick gaming habits

I’m not someone who gets sick often, but I haven’t had much luck on the health front this winter, having already gone a few rounds with the devil that is the flu. In my moments of wakefulness during sickness, I realized I always seem to gravitate towards playing Diablo 3.

Personally, I find that bizarre. I’m not a big fan of Diablo otherwise. By “not a big fan” I mean I don’t play the game — ever. Even when I’m looking for a single-player game to play to relax, Diablo is nowhere near the top of my list. And yet, without fail, I unthinkingly hit that Diablo button when I’ve managed to drag my illness-riddled carcass over to my desk.

Do you have any gaming rituals when you’re sick? Are there tasks you do which you wouldn’t otherwise? Activities you partake in simply because they require minimal brainpower?

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