What are you most looking forward to in D&D’s 2024 Monster Manual?
The last of the three Dungeons & Dragons 2024 core rulebooks, the 2024 Monster Manual, is set for release in two weeks on February 18 -- but you can grab a physical copy right now by heading to your local game store in the US and Canada.
How should World of Warcraft stagger holidays and events?
Love is in the Air -- aka the holiday of mounts that don't drop for me at all -- starts this week and I'm going to be honest and state there is way too much happening concurrently in the World of Warcraft.
How are you going with your New Year’s Resolutions?
We’re almost at the end of January 2025 -- no, it really isn’t the 1,432nd of March 2020… sorry Liz P.
Plunderstorm is upon us, so how are you approaching this year’s battle royale game mode?
Plunderstorm is back, and we're a few days into this year's version of the stormy, swashbuckling battle royale set among the scenic hills of Arathi Highlands.
What are your thoughts on the Switch 2 announcement?
Well it's finally happened: the Switch 2 has been announced!
Which WoW class (or spec) feature is non-negotiable to you?
I was pretty annoyed when Blizzard removed the permanent Water Elemental from Frost Mages.
How are you liking Siren Isle, the newest zone in The War Within?
Our expedition to Siren Isle has entered its fourth week, meaning that there's been time to rotate through all of the invading factions as well as form our first impressions of the zone.
What changes would you make to the Catalyst mechanic in World of Warcraft?
It's hard to believe but it's already almost three years since we got the first iteration of the Catalyst mechanic in Shadowlands patch 9.2.
Do you take inspiration from characters from other media to create your own characters?
Lately, I've been naming — and sometimes modeling — some of my World of Warcraft characters after existing characters from other games.
What’s the dumbest way you have died in World of Warcraft?
Character death has been a core mechanic in video games since their inception.