The Queue: Time is confusing

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
any chance Blizz will clean up the frustrating, arbitrary issues with xmog, and toys? The little things like gating appearances/toys behind levels, reputation, engineering skill. Why can’t all my alts rock a honor hold tabard, and wear goggles?
Given how long those restrictions have been in place, I’d guess they’ll stay that way. I understand the logic behind the restrictions. Toys and transmog generally become accessible at the level you’d be able to equip/use them in the first place. My precious Orb of the Sin’dorei unlocks at level 70 because the character who first collected it had to be level 70 to run the dungeon where it drops.
Still, it’s silly. I already have the Orb. It’s in my collection because I fulfilled its requirements in the first place. Just let me use it. Will I break the game if I turn into a Blood Elf at level 20 instead of level 70? That doesn’t seem likely.
What’s your average in bowling?
I’ve only been bowling once. If I remember right, every throw was a gutter except the last one (last set? last hurl? what even is bowling?) which was a strike. Then a gutter. So that’s what, am average of 10?
I don’t understand bowling.
Chronological order of the Overwatch animated shorts?
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific timeline, particularly in regards to the animated shorts. Most of the shorts happen independently of one another and the best we can do is guess and speculate. This would be my guess:
- Recall
- BlizzCon 2014 Cinematic Trailer
- Dragons/Hero/Last Bastion in any order
- Alive
- Infiltration
Dragons, Hero, and Last Bastion in particular give absolutely no indication of timeline. The characters in those shorts don’t interact with any other characters. It’s possible they happen before Recall. It’s possible they happen after Infiltration. People have formed theories based on the location of the moon in the sky and all that wackiness, but ultimately, those shorts are self-contained. It’s impossible to know where they are chronologically until we’re specifically told.
Recall and the Cinematic Trailer have continuity because Winston and Tracer are both involved. Presumably, Winston calling Tracer to get the band back together in Recall is why they’re fighting crime together in the trailer. I put Alive after the Trailer, because after what happens in Alive, I’d guess Tracer wouldn’t be so playful with Widowmaker in the Trailer.
Almost everything else is pure speculation.
Think it’s too late to add a more sophisticated gore system to WoW? I’d like to see Gnolls freeze solid, ragdoll, and shatter when they hit the ground. I want to watch bladestorm chop mobs in half. Decapitate Hunter trash with execute. Turn Defias scum into a pile of charred bones. Blizz’ figured it out for Starcraft and Diablo; I’m assuming because they are built on more recent game engines. Even something as simple as Ragdoll corpses would be entertaining.
When you consider Blizzard nerf which corpses you can turn into meat with Corpse Explosion, I’m going to take a wild guess and say they don’t even want such a thing in WoW.
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