The best Hearthstone decks to play in Kobolds and Catacombs

Hearthstone’s latest expansion Kobolds and Catacombs brought an excellent single player dungeon run mode, and a host of new cards for Ranked and Casual play. If you’re looking for some decks to try out, I got the best deals anywhere.
Weapon-based decks
Everyone who logs into Hearthstone gets a free Legendary weapon, and Hearthpwn made a decklist based on each one. I’ve ordered the weapons as I rank them from best to worst.
- Handbuff Paladin with Val’anyr
- Aggro Mage with Aluneth
- Miracle and Tempo Rogue with Kingsbane: Rogues love to draw cards and Kingsbane makes a worthy addition to both Tempo and Miracle Rogue.
- Jade Druid with Twig of the World Tree
- Spell Hunter with Rhok’delar: One of the new archetypes introduced by Kobolds and Catacombs is the Spell Hunter. This is a deck that uses no minions, only spells. This is different from Secret Bunter, although Spell Hunter does run some secrets. Many of the spells summon minions and it can fight for the board with new cards like Emerald Spellstone. Spell Hunter is on the less expensive side with only a few new cards needed.
- Dragon Priest with Dragon Soul
- Big Warrior with Woecleaver
- Control Warlock with Skull of the Man’ari
- Evolve Shaman with The Runespear: Poor Shaman. After getting a playable Death Knight in Knights of the Frozen Throne, they get arguably the worse weapon out of K&C.
The strongest Kobolds and Catacombs decks
Aggro decks are off to a good start as it often is with a new expansion, but as mid-range and control decks become more refined, they should gain some ground. Right now, Paladins and Priests have great win rates.
No one saw Paladin rising to the top of the metagame. Sure, Call to Arms looked to be a strong card, but the rest of their kit was not as exciting. Both Aggro and Murloc Paladin are currently boasting high win rates. If you don’t have good AoE answers in hand by turn 5, Uther will make it lights out.
Anduin is up next. His Razakus deck has added a single card from K&C: Psychic Scream. Outside of that, it’s the same dominate machine gun deck list from KotFT. Big Priest and Dragon Priest each got their expected boost from the new cards like Duskbreaker and Diamond Spellstone.
Your other Kobolds and Catacombs deck options
Here’s the best of the rest:
- Keleseth Tempo Rogue is largely unchanged and still strong.
- Pirate Warrior got a boost to its midgame with Spiteful Summoner and Mithril Spellstone.
- Hybrid Hunters avoid secrets altogether. Using Candleshot and Dire Mole, in combination with the “pirate package”, they can put the pressure on from turn one and keep going right through the midgame.
- The new secret Explosive Runes has given a boost to Secret Mage and Aluneth makes sure this aggressive deck never runs out of steam.
- Control Warlock is still doing well. It packs enough AoE to hold off aggro and Bloodreaver Gul’dan provides a big tempo swing.
Budget concerns
You don’t need to have every card in the deck list to make it work. As long as you have the core, defining cards, you can find good substitutes for most of the others (and some deck lists helpfully suggest substitutions). At higher ranks (anything above 15), you’re going to encounter many incomplete decks after the first week of the season, and your MMR in Casual should match you up with people with similar collections.
If you have a limited collection and limited dust, Heathhead has updated their budget decks for each class. Having a variety of decks with different classes will help you complete your daily quests and earn gold. If you’re struggling to get started, I recommend rerolling your quests to quests that don’t require winning. Some quests only ask you to play a certain number of class cards or kill a certain number of minions. If you want to reroll a quest, click the X in the upper right corner of the quest card. You can only reroll one quest per day so choose wisely.
Find the perfect deck
If you’re looking to build a deck around a specific card or Legendary you’ve opened, Heathpwn’s deck finder tool can help. You put in the card you want to build the deck around in the “Contains” field, then hit Filter. Heathpwn will return a list of user-made decks with that card in them. Look over the decks with the most upvotes and comments, then try one out.
As the metagame continues to get refined, new decks and cards will come to fore. It took several weeks in the Knights of the Frozen metagame before Keleseth’s power was understood. Be cautious in these early days, and don’t waste your precious dust to craft cards that may turn out to be useless.
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