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Heroes of the StormMay 11, 2018 2:53 pm CT

Lunara gets her own Heroes of the Storm rework, not quite as drastic as Diablo’s

Yesterday, Heroes of the Storm dropped the surprise news that Diablo — the Hero, not the game — was receiving a major rework. Today, they’ve followed suit with yet another Rework Spolight, this time focusing on Lunara. While the rework doesn’t feel quite as substantial as Diablo’s, it still feels like an all-around positive direction to take the deadly Dryad.

As noted in the video, one of the major goals of this rework was to respect the current builds that players know and love.

As I mentioned above, the goal wasn’t to update Lunara in a way that invalidated the playstyles and talent builds regular Lunara players are accustomed to. Rather, they’re meant to improve the functionality of her Wisp and provide more synergy between certain talents. Similarly, her Nature’s Toxin received quite a bit of focus so as to really emphasize her as a poison-spreading Hero.

Below, you can see the changes made to most of Lunara’s talent tiers as revealed by the video. Talents in bold were specifically made note of in the video itself, either as brand-new talents or ones that have swapped talent tiers.

Level-1 talents

  • Sentinel Wisp — After remaining in a bush for 5 seconds, Wisp’s vision radius is increased by 200% and reveals the surrounding area.
    • The Wisp can see over obstacles with this talent.
    • This is meant to replace her old Wisp talents.
  • Natural Perspective — Nature’s Toxin reveals enemies
  • Hippity Hop — Increase Dryad’s Swiftness bonus.

Level-4 talents

  • Blossom Swell — Increase Noxious Blossom range and radius.
  • Siphoning Toxin — While at least one enemy is affected by Nature’s Toxin, heal for 11 per second. When an enemy Hero has 3 stacks of Nature’s Toxin, increase this healing by 22 per second.
  • Nature’s Culling — Increase Nature’s Toxin damage to non-Heroes.

Level-7 talents

  • Splintered Spear — Using Noxious Blossom causes Lunara’s next Basic Attack to hit up to 4 enemies. These extra attacks can apply Nature’s Toxin.
    • This was previously available at a later level.
  • Choking Pollen — Nature’s Toxin increases Noxious Blossom damage.
  • Wild Vigor — Crippling Spores increases Basic Attack Damage.

Misc. new talents (it’s unclear if these are level-13 or level-16 talents)

  • Endless Spores — Reduces the cooldown of Crippling Spores when Lunara has poisoned 2 or more enemy Heroes at once.
  • Accelerated Contamination — Reduces cooldown of Noxious Blossom under similar conditions.
    • Presumably, this means when 2 or more enemy Heroes are poisoned at once.

Level-20 talents

  • Forest’s Wrath — Thornwood Vine applies Nature’s Toxin.
  • Boundless Strike – Leaping Strike can target allies.
  • Intensifying Toxin — At 3 stacks, Nature’s Toxin deals 40% more damage.
  • Galloping Gate — Activate to increase Movement Speed.

Overall, I’m pleased with these adjustments. It’s admittedly been a while since I’ve played Lunara in a serious capacity, but it seems that, like Diablo, she’ll have a bit more effectiveness in team fights now. I especially like the emphasis on spreading her poison to as many targets as possible — several of these talents will reward high-level DOT management. And it’s always fun to see what pros can do with high skill-cap Heroes!

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