Everything once thought impossible Soon™ to be possible, as pigs will be able to fly (in Azeroth)

Update: Horgus, Swine of Good Fortune is now available for $25 in the Blizzard Store. There’s a short video showing him off on the official World of Warcraft YouTube channel.
Last year, Blizzard graced us with a mount so wholesome, we couldn’t help but rate it at least a 13 out of 10 and call it the divinest good doggo ever. This year, it looks like Blizzard is on track to give us yet another fantastic mount that will supply no shortage of “when pigs fly” jokes for all involved. Spotted on — and subsequently removed from — the Chinese WoW website by JiangWing on Twitter, the flying pig mount looks to be an upcoming reward as part of the Year of the Pig promotion.
Based on the reveal windows, we should know pretty soon what the deal is with this majestic, sky-bound sow — the website lists the next reveal as being January 31. Regardless, last year’s promotion involved getting the mount as a bonus for purchasing six months of game time — for Chinese players, that is. For other regions, the mount simply became a store item that could be purchased for the same price as all other store mounts.
Personally, I’m more curious about what the description for this mount will be. Shu-Zen, as you may recall, had a description that mentioned both the restoration of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and the whispers of the Old Gods. And while we unfortunately have yet to see anything even close to an updated version of the Vale, we are getting ever closer to the premiere of N’Zoth and all the Old God goodness that will come with that premiere. It could all be a coincidence, of course, but it does make me wonder if the yet-unnamed flying pig mount will have some sort of teaser in its description. Perhaps a mention of one of the five torches to light the Old Gods’ path? We shall have to wait and see.
In the meantime, why not give us your best “when pigs fly” jokes in the comments, eh? Here, I’ll start:
“Are you gonna buy the new store mount?”
“Store mounts? Pfft. I’ll spend money on the Blizzard Store when pigs fly!”
Have at it, y’all.
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