The 5th Annual “Running of the Trolls” is tomorrow — don’t miss out!

Get your Troll runners ready, because the 5th Annual “Running of the Trolls” is tomorrow, June 29th. This run benefits The Trevor Project, a charity which helps LGBTQIA youth. Programs offered include crisis and suicide prevention, counseling, a safe place to just talk, and a wide variety of educational materials.
If you would like to run, make a Troll on the Feathermoon or Scarlet Crusade servers, as the two are linked. Please note: There is no cross-realm facilitation with this. It’s strictly Feathermoon and Scarlet Crusade. Don’t leave the starting area.
It’s recommended you log in early, but at 6 p.m. Pacific, the Trolls will take off running. They did start early last year, and as there were so many Trolls, lag was a huge issue. We head north along the road from Sen’jin Village to Orgrimmar. While you’re at it, you may as well pick up any flight paths on the way. Once we get to Orgrimmar, we’ll hop through the portal to Undercity. Last year, the huge volume of Trolls on the blimp caused the server to crash, dumping all of us to our deaths in the mountains around Orgrimmar. That was hilarious.
Once everyone is outside Undercity, we will head north, through the wilds of Western and Eastern Plaguelands. Expect a huge aggro range for level 1-3s and BEARS! Oh my! There will be escorts so try not to worry. We’ll run all the way through Eastern Plaguelands to the portal to Ghostlands and step through.
As soon as everyone is in Ghostlands, the run continues north through Tranquillien and into Eversong Woods. Our final destination is Silvermoon City, so hang a right south of the Ruins of Silvermoon, cross the Dead Scar avoiding the — you know — dead, and go to the fountain area in Silvermoon in the Court of the Sun. Don’t forget to get your Rainbow Generator toy. Even with a 10-minute cooldown, you’ll have ample opportunity to use it. If you don’t have one, there’s plenty of time to get it. It’s the reward for the quest Open Their Eyes. This is obtained from Arcanist Delaris in Felwood.
Yes, there is an after party… and it’s in Stormwind. Once you make it to an Alliance leader, blow them a kiss.
This is an extremely fun event. If you’re a low level, please join in the spirit of things and run — not use a mount of any kind. It’s way more fun to gang up on something which tries to attack us rather than ride away from it. This is a run and not a race so getting some place first doesn’t count.
Speaking of counting, if you want to help the race but can’t actually run it, you can donate to the fun run here. People pledge a certain amount based on how many Trolls actually run so your wee toon is very important. The goal this year is $3,000.
If you are on Twitter, the hashtag is #TrollRun2k19 and the Discord server, for those wanting to listen in and/or chat is
My guild and I will be there. We love these kinds of events. I hope you’ll say, “Hi” if you see me. Please come spend an evening running from Sen’jin to Silvermoon and support a worthy cause.
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