Please peruse this program of positively precious panda pictures
I’m out of words that start with P, so let’s focus on the most important of them: pandas! These roly-poly animals have scores of admirers around the world. They’re renowned for their laid-back attitude, fondness for bamboo, and apparent lack of skeletal structure; seriously, how can they be so floppy? Ponder that and more with this selection of panda clips to start your weekend right.
Playground panda pile-up
Slides: beloved by humans and pandas of all ages.
A precarious precipice
This one’s pretty agile for a little puffball.
Party pandas
I would also like all the biscuits, please and thank you.
Polishing off provisions
Om nom nom nom!
A plant-based picnic
Om nom nom nom again!
Procuring pole position
Yes, I know it’s a tree, not a pole, but I had the whole alliteration thing going and I wasn’t going to drop it for the final video.
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