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Cute! > Off TopicNov 5, 2021 5:00 pm CT

Blizzard Watch never forgets a Friday cuteness post, and neither do these elephants

Seriously, how cool are elephants? The floppy ears, the agile trunks, the sheer enormous size of them — elephants are just amazing. And you can just tell from watching them at play that these are intelligent critters. In this collection, you can see elephants of all sizes eating, napping, splashing, and enjoying some quality tunes.

“Splish splash, I was taking a bath”

Also any pint-sized animal trotting along at top speed is automatically adorable.

“Though she be but little she is fierce”

Er, then again maybe not.

The most badass way to dispose of your Halloween jack o’lanterns

Also, bonus points to the Oregon Zoo for running an actual event called Squishing of the Squash, because that’s just fantastic.

Enjoying a serenade, piano version

Well that’s just lovely in every way.

Enjoying a serenade, didgeridoo version

So many degrees of good vibrations.

Baby elephants know how hard it is to get up

I feel your pain, my sleepy little friend.

Up close and personal

Just a short and sweet one to close out the collection.

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Filed Under: All The Cuteness, Cute

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