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Cute! > Off TopicJan 28, 2022 2:00 pm CT

Cats versus gadgets: Watch the ultimate battles between technology and cuteness

Are you ready to rumble? Because these cats are. They are going to throw down against all of their most hated of arch-enemies. From the kitchen to the office to the living room, kitties around the world shall rise up and do battle against technology in their homes.

Who will emerge victorious in this most epic war of the ages?

You, dear reader. Because when cats fight against gadgets, the person who gets to watch is the real winner.

The original love-hate relationship

Is the vacuum a treasured mount or a lethal foe? The jury is still out.

The eternal struggle continues

Printer attacks might be one of the most-documented (and most amusing) subclass of cat technology videos over the years.

Will the battle ever end?

I sure hope not.

Psh, all my stuff is in the cloud

I deeply appreciate that this cat was still equally baffled by the disc drive two years later.

A kitty ahead of its time

Pretty sure this is everyone’s feeling about talking on the phone: “Wait, what? Really? No thank you.”

The kitchen is full of danger

Noisy, delicious danger.

Tech doesn’t have to be fancy to be effective

Fluffy little luddite. (Note from YouTube: Boots the cat was not harmed in the making of this video.)

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