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Cute! > Off TopicMay 20, 2022 4:00 pm CT

Enjoy these otter-ly sweet videos of sea critters holding hands

Fun fact: Otters actually hold hands to make sure they don’t float away from each other while they’re sleeping. Isn’t it amazing when nature manages to be both practical and adorable? Today, Cuteness HQ is celebrating this particularly sweet survival tactic with some videos of snoozy otters holding hands.

Sleepy in the sunshine

Super cute.

More sleepy in the sunshine

Super cute indeed.

Family connections


Synchronized swimming, otter edition

Check out those graceful aquatic pirouettes.

12 hours of otter cuteness!

You can always count on the Monterey Bay Aquarium to provide top-notch livestreams of the majesty and cuteness of our watery world.

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Filed Under: All The Cuteness, Cute

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