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Cute! > Off TopicSep 2, 2022 5:00 pm CT

Hot dam, we have an extra long weekend to enjoy some critter cuteness!

Here in the United States, we’re celebrating Labor Day on Monday. In honor of the holiday, Cuteness HQ has decided to recognize the hardest-working critter in the animal kingdom. At least, the hardest-working according to our human idioms.

Yes folks, we present to you, the busy beaver. Although these beavers are also enjoying a break from their chores and are mostly interested in mealtime. Can’t say that I blame them. Happy long weekend!

Move over, rabbits

You’re not the only animals with a carrot obsession.

No seriously, they really like carrots

Seriously, this one’s just going to town on those carrot sticks.

Also on the menu: pumpkins

It is almost Halloween, after all.

The squeaky beaver gets the formula

So tiny!

But in a pinch, grass will do

Gotta eat what you can get in the wild.

Let’s close with some classic nature documentary goodness

I’d like David Attenborough to narrate everything in my life, please and thank you.

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Filed Under: All The Cuteness, Cute

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