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Diablo > Diablo 4Jul 24, 2023 1:00 pm CT

How to get Smoldering Ashes in Diablo 4

In Diablo 4 seasons, Smoldering Ashes are a currency used to buy Season Blessings. These Blessings offer your seasonal characters valuable buffs, including increased XP gain, among a variety of season-specific buffs that rotate. To buy any of these Blessings, you’ll need to earn Smoldering Ashes on the Battle Pass. There are five Blessings available, each with four ranks, and there are exactly 20 Smoldering Ashes available on the Battle Pass. So if you play through the entire Battle Pass, you’ll be able to buy every Season Blessing.

But you won’t be getting any Blessings immediately, because they all have level requirements. You’ll get your earliest Smoldering Ashes at tier 8 on the Battle Pass, which doesn’t take much gameplay time — but the Ashes also have level requirements that will slow down how fast you can use them.  You have to be level 45 to use the first Smoldering Ashes to buy Season Blessings, so you’ll probably have them unlocked well before you hit the level requirement.

My advice is always to pick the Urn of Aggression Blessing first, as it boosts XP gains and will help you unlock future Season Blessings.

Here are all of the Battle Pass tiers that award Smoldering Ashes, as well as their level requirements:

  • Tier 8: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 45)
  • Tier 18: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 55)
  • Tier 22: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 60)
  • Tier 28: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 65)
  • Tier 32: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 70)
  • Tier 38: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 75)
  • Tier 48: Two Smoldering Ashes (requires level 80)
  • Tier 52: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 85)
  • Tier 58: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 87)
  • Tier 62: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 90)
  • Tier 68: Two Smoldering Ashes (requires level 92)
  • Tier 72: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 94)
  • Tier 77: Smoldering Ashes (requires level 96)
  • Tier 82: Two Smoldering Ashes (requires level 98)
  • Tier 88: Three Smoldering Ashes (requires level 100)

Whether you wind up collecting all of the Smoldering Ashes available or just nab enough to get the Blessings you want, have fun in Season 5!

Originally published July 24, 2023; updated August 6, 2024

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