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Elizabeth Harper

Elizabeth Harper @faience — In the real world, Elizabeth Harper started her writing career with a gig for WoW Insider in 2006. Now, she's spent the past 10 years writing and editing online content for tech, gaming, and entertainment. In the virtual world, she's been playing Warcraft since its earliest days and dabbles in Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Diablo.

The Queue: Oh no (oh no?)

Oh no, I definitely didn’t forget to write the Queue. I am super prepared and would never do that. I also definitely did not just nope off to Pandaria for some relaxing kite flying (and to take notes on what I want my future home and garden to look like). Not me, I would never do that.

So let’s answer some questions!

The Queue: Friday keeps sneaking up on me (but never in a good way)

When Friday sneaks up on you, it’s never in a good way. It’s never “oh, wow, I can sleep in tomorrow!” It’s always “oh no, I have so much work that has to be done this week and the week is over already.” It’s Friday and like so many Fridays before it, I got out of bed ready to turn around and take a nap.

But instead of doing that, let’s answer some questions.

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