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Elizabeth Harper

Elizabeth Harper @faience — In the real world, Elizabeth Harper started her writing career with a gig for WoW Insider in 2006. Now, she's spent the past 10 years writing and editing online content for tech, gaming, and entertainment. In the virtual world, she's been playing Warcraft since its earliest days and dabbles in Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Diablo.

The Queue: I’m indifferent towards humans

It doesn’t matter if you wanna take ’em or leave ’em, we’re stuck with ’em. Humans are everywhere: surrounding us in real life, but also a dominating option in video games, movies, and books. There is simply no escaping humanity, so you have to accept it.

I am in fact so indifferent to humanity, that I wasn’t even going to discuss it until rjagoda suggested I should. So here you have it, the final word for Friday.

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