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WoWNov 7, 2023 11:00 am CT

Getting Dreamseeds and Dream Warden Reputation with Supply Shipments in Patch 10.2

With World of Warcraft Patch 10.2 comes the new Emerald Dream zone, where you’ll find the new Dream Wardens faction and the Emerald Bounty events, both of which have tons of new items associated with them, but especially of note are Dreamseeds. To participate in the Emerald Bounty events at all, you will need Dreamseeds in your inventory in advance. They come in three quality levels: Small Dreamseed, Plump Dreamseed, Gigantic Dreamseed.

Contributing a Dreamseed to the Emerald Bounty events and filling the bar can result in the following reward caches: Small Dreamy Bounty which can drop cosmetics or trade goods, Plump Dreamy Bounty which has a chance to drop a medium amount of trade goods or unique pets otherwise purchased from Sylvia Whisperbloom, and Gigantic Dreamy Bounty which has a chance to drop a large amount of trade goods or a unique mount.

Contributing Emerald Dewdrops to fill the bar of the Emerald Bounty event will give the following reward caches: Small Emerald Bloom, Medium Emerald Bloom, Large Emerald Bloom. These reward Flightstones, Dream Energy which contributes to Dream Infusions, and an increasing chance at the Winter Night Dreamsaber mount.

But how do you find the Dreamseeds to contribute to the Emerald Bounty events?

How to get Dreamseeds from weekly Supply Shipment quests

The most reliable source of Plump and Gigantic Dreamseeds will come from completing the weekly Supply Shipment quests. Tucked off in their own area near the Central Encampment, you will need to locate a smallish tent with the NPCs Eran’dra and Vashonir, who will respectively be the quest giver and the crafting station for the Shipment of Goods.

/way #2200 52.51, 62.47 — Eran’dra, Supplies Supplier
/way #2200 52.50, 62.54 — Vashonir, Supply Create Master

Each week Eran’dra will have two quests available. You must complete the first quest before she offers the second one.

It appears that the possible goods that can be used to craft the Shipment of Goods each week may change. So far we have seen 12 possible crafting pools.

  • Cloth Shipment — which requires 125 x Tattered Wildercloth, 25 x Wildercloth, 15 x Chromatic Dust, and 3 Vibrant Shard.
  • Diamond Shipment — which requires 5 x Illuminated Diamonds.
  • Draconium Shipment — which requires 25 x Draconium, 1 x Awakened Earth, and 1 x Awakened Fire.
  • Food Shipment — which requires 50 x a Dragon Isles fish of your choice, 15 x Ribbed Mollusk Meat, 15 x Basilisk Eggs, 15 x Bruffalon Flank, 15 x Mighty Mammoth Ribs, and 15 x Burly Bear Haunch.
  • Hide Shipment — which requires 15 x Dense Hide or Lustrous Scaled Hide, 10 Fire-Infused Hide, ans 5 Pristine Vorquin Horn.
  • Hochenbloom Shipment — which requires 100 x Hochenbloom, 1 x Awakened Frost, and 1 x Awakened Air.
  • Islefin Dorado Shipment — which requires 5 x Islefin Dorado, 15 x Pebbled Rock Salts, and 15 Assorted Spices.
  • Khaz’gorite Shipment — which requires 15 x Khaz’gorite, 1 x Awakened Earth, and 1 x Awakened Fire.
  • Rare Gem Shipment — which requires 25 of the same gem of your choice.
  • Serevite Shipment — which requires 100 x Serevite, 1 Awakened Earth, and 1 x Awakened Fire.
  • Skin Shipment — which requires 100 Resilient Leather or Adamant Scales, 15 Flawless Proto Dragon Scale, and 15 Crystalspine Fur.
  • Uncommon Herbs Shipment — which requires 25 of the same herb of your choice, 1 x Awakened Frost, and 1 x Awakened Air.

Gatherers are likely to be able to make some significant end of expansion coin as people try to fulfil these orders. Where you get to choose the trade good you are contributing, they all need to be the same type and quality. Where a trade good has more than one quality, the same number of items are required regardless of rank.

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