The next Hearthstone mini-set is Delve into Deepholm, bringing back Dual Class cards

The mini-set for the current Hearthstone expansion, Showdown in the Badlands, is going to be called Delve into Deepholm, heralding the return of the popular Dual Class cards. While we don’t have a lot of info about this mini-set yet, the reveal schedule is set to happen from January 11 to January 16, and we have a preview of what will be shown.
Hearthstone Influencer Manager Ridiculous Hat shared some info that was missing from the original reveal schedule: that the Warrior and the Dual Class Warrior + Demon Hunter cards will also be present in the first post, on January 11 at 10:00 a.m. PST.
We also know at least one character who will be present in this expansion, most likely as a legendary card. If it wasn’t already obvious enough based on the name of the mini-set (mentioning her domain, Deepholm), as well as the silhouette depicted in the teaser that the Hearthstone team put out, which illustrates this article, we’ll spell it out for you: Therazane the Stonemother will finally make her Hearthstone debut.
For reasons unknown to us mere mortals, Therazane was the only of the four elemental lords that still hadn’t graced us with her presence. Ragnaros the Firelord was one of the most popular Legendaries available since the release of the game, and he’s currently part of the Core Set, meaning that all players have access to him. Al’Akir the Windlord, also released as soon as Hearthstone launched, was the original Legendary minion for the Shaman class — a role that he still fulfills to this day, as part of the Core Set just like Ragnaros.
Neptulon took a little longer to show up, but not much: he appeared on Hearthstone’s first full expansion, Goblins vs. Gnomes. That version of him is no longer playable in Standard Mode, but the recent Voyage to the Sunken City expansion did add a new version of him, Neptulon the Tidehunter, which is still playable in Standard. Took long enough for Therazane to finally join her elemental brethren!
The fact that we’ll soon find ourselves in Deepholm, an enormous underground zone, is not that surprising considering all the digging we were doing in the Badlands. I guess some Kobolds — or perhaps some Dwarves — finally Delved too deeply and too greedily.
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