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WoW ClassicFeb 19, 2024 10:00 am CT

How to get the Cozy Sleeping Bag in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery continues to add new things to Classic Azeroth, and there’s one new item in particular that every player should acquire: the Cozy Sleeping Bag, which was just added in Phase 2. Using the Cozy Sleeping Bag outside of any rested area or inn gives you a 1% bonus XP buff for each minute you rest inside it, up to 3%, and lasts for 2 hours. This buff can stack on top any other XP buff you get from being rested, Blackfathom Deeps, or Gnomeregan, which makes it a useful resource for anyone leveling from 25 to 40 (and probably beyond).

So let’s talk about what you need to do to get this level-boosting item. You need to be level 14 to start the quest line to get the Cozy Sleeping Bag and the quest will take you across Azeroth but the buff it gives you, and the rewards you earn along the way, makes the journey worth it.

We’ve got you covered every step of the way so you can get your own sleeping bag! Here’s how to get the Cozy Sleeping Bag in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, step by step.

Alliance start here: Alexston Farmstead, Westfall

Alliance players can get started by heading to the Alexston Farmstead in Westfall and interacting with the Burned-Out Remains under smoldering debris to get the first quest …and that note you found. If you’re a Horde player, this is the second step for you. Your first step is to go to the Southern part of The Barrens. 

Horde start here: Southern Barrens

Alliance players then need to head to the Southern part of the Barrens, past Camp Taurajo, and interact with another set of Burned-Out RemainsIf you’re Horde, this is your first step. you’ll need to head to Westfall after interacting with this set of Burned-Out Remains.

Interacting with the Burned-Out Remains in both Westfall and The Barrens, completes the …and that note you found quest which rewards:

After turning this in, you get the next quest Stepping Stones, which converges the quest lines for both Alliance and Horde and from here on out everyone has the same steps, and the next one is heading to Stonetalon Mountains.

Near Sunrock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains

Just past Sun Rock Retreat is a small path leading up into the mountains. After you follow this path, you’ll find an empty camp with a tent and a few boxes. On top of one of the boxes is an item you can interact with to turn in and complete Stepping Stones which gives you:

Some players report can use the Flint and Tinder and Simple Wood on the campfire in the campsite for a nice little ambient moment but I wasn’t able to do it on my Alliance Warrior, so it may be bugged. The next quest, Scramble, directs you 100 paces north from the campsite to an area just over the hill. Here you will find a dirt mound to complete Scramble and get more rewards:

Once you collect your rewards, you’ll get the next quest Wet Job which sends you to Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan.

Stonewrought Dam, Loch Modan

When you get to the Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan, you need to make your way to the waterfall side of the dam overlooking the Wetlands. Walk past the first stone head and position yourself on the wall above the second stone head. You should see a sniper’s nest that has an interactable eagle figurine to turn in this part of the quest, giving you:

The next quest, Eagle’s Fist, directs you towards Thoradin Wall. You can jump off the dam without killing your character, just take the time to double-check your landing zone.

Thoradin’s Wall, Arathi Highland/Hillsbrad Foothills

Walk along the northern area of Thoradin’s Wall and eventually you’ll come to a break. On the Hillsbrad side of this break is a cart you can use to jump on to the wall. Make your way up this part of the wall and you’ll see an opening to a tunnel. When you walk through the tunnel and go through the other opening, on the right-hand wall there will be a Messenger Bag and satchel.

Interact with the Messenger Bag to complete the Eagle’s Fist quest and earn 50 Silver. Accept the final quest, This Must Be The Place, and click on the satchel underneath the Messenger Bag to complete it and earn your Cozy Sleeping Bag, 12 Silver, and 5 more Student Fodder!

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