WoW Classic Hardcore’s new Self Found mode is now live!

Blizzard is upping the ante in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore by adding a “Self Found” mode that will now live on Hardcore realms! During BlizzCon 2023, Blizzard hinted the new game mode would arrive in early 2024 and then narrowed the release date down to February 2024 in the WoW Classic 2024 roadmap — but now we finally have a hard launch date. Self Found represents the first addition to Classic Hardcore realms since its release in August 2023. But what is it exactly? Here’s what we know about WoW Classic Hardcore Self Found mode so far.
WoW Classic Hardcore’s Self Found mode will restrict players from:
- Sending mail to or receiving mail from another player
- Buying or selling items on the Auction House
- Trading or receiving items in any way, including enchantment
The trading restriction very likely extends to any other Classic Hardcore characters on your account, not just separate players. While it sounds like players can still group up for PVE and PVP content, all loot drops are basically treated as soulbound, preventing you from loot trading during (or after) these activities. The enchantment restriction is interesting because it very likely includes giving or receiving gear enchantments to and from other players but it’s not clear if it includes spell buffs like the Druid’s Mark of the Wild or the Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer world buff.
Players who want to attempt this mode will need to begin at level 1 with a brand new character and choose to opt-in to Self-Found. Once your character is created, you’ll notice an icon in the buff section of your screen called “Self-Found Adventurer,” indicating (mainly to others) that you are bound by the restrictions of self-found mode. Self-Found can be turned off at any time by visiting Apprentice Watchers in certain capital cities respective to your faction. Alliance players can find their Watchers in the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge or at the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus while Horde players will need to go near the PVP vendors in Orgrimmar or to the Apothecarium in the Undercity. Once you opt out, you can’t opt back in!
Like Hardcore, Self Found started out as a community concept inspired by other MMOs. It’s meant to challenge players on a truly individual level where you can only rely on items, their effects, or any other type of advantages when you’ve looted or created it yourself so if that appeals to you then definitely head over to the one of the Hardcore realms and give it a shot!
Originally published on February 12, 2024. Updated on February 29, 2024.
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