How to summon Daetan Swiftplume during WoW’s Noblegarden event to get the new Noble Flying Carpet — now with increased drop chance!

World of Warcraft’s Noblegarden holiday event is back and this year a new boss was added: Daetan Swiftplume, a Druid attempting to sabotage this year’s event. Daetan has a chance to drop a new mount, the Noble Flying Carpet, which means you’ll want to take every opportunity to kill him before the event ends on April 8.
And though the mount has a low drop chance, Blizzard has buffed the drop rate for the first drop of the day (per account). You have one chance per character (level 60+) per day to get the mount, but that first kill will be your best chance.
Daetan can be found at the Large Duck Nest south of Stonefield Farm in Elwynn Forest or the Large Duck Nest west of Southfury Watershed in Durotar (an initial quest will lead you there), but he’s not always there — and summoning him to the site isn’t intuitive.
Here’s how to summon Daetan Swiftplume during Noblegarden to get your Noble Flying Carpet (and other rewards)!
How to summon Daetan Swiftplume
Check the Large Duck Nest in Elwynn or Durotar. If you do the Duck mini-story, you’ll be guided towards each zone’s Large Duck Nest as part of the quests but you don’t have to do the quests in order to get any rewards from Daetan. Once you find the nest, it’ll be marked by a large gold star on your map. You should check the Large Duck Nest first because sometimes Daetan will be waiting.
Look for a large Golden Egg. If Daetan isn’t at the nest, you’ll need to summon him by finding a large Golden Egg nearby. It is a very large egg, so you’ll know it when you see it. Alliance players can find the Golden Egg by searching the area between the Westbrook Garrison and Stonefield Farm. Horde players can find the Golden Egg to the northeast of Southfury Watershed, between Thunder Ridge and Drygulch Ravine.
Return the egg to the nest. Once you find the Golden Egg, pull it to the Large Duck Nest in your zone. Be careful! Your character can glitch out and stop dragging the egg if you pull it through water or try to mount/shapeshift while dragging it. Multiple characters can grab and pull the egg at the same time, speeding up the process, but it’s not a terrible walk to do solo.
Spawn Daetan. When you reach the Large Duck Nest with the egg, it will disappear, and Daetan Swiftplume will appear and fly to the nest. Unless you’re immediately in front of him, he won’t engage you until you attack him. He can be a difficult boss to solo so you should either group up or wait for other players to join in to take him down (you don’t need to be in a group to loot him).
The Noble Flying Carpet and other new Noblegarden loot
Killing Daetan for the first time rewards you with the Quacked Killer achievement and on the first kill of the day he’ll drop the Noblegarden Trinket which starts the Feathered Fiend daily quest. Turn the trinket in to either Zinnia Brooks in Goldshire or Sylnaria Fareflame in Razor Hill to get the Loot-Filled Basket which has:
- A very low chance of dropping the Noble Flying Carpet mount (for characters level 60+), with a bonus chance to drop on the first kill of the day (per account)
- A low chance of dropping a piece of the Spring Reveler’s Turquoise set:
- Brightly Colored Egg
The Golden Egg spawns fairly quickly after Daetan is defeated, usually within 5 minutes. Right now, you only get the Loot-Filled Basket on the first kill of the day per character. Any subsequent kills after that gives you a Brightly Colored Egg. Remember, Noblegarden only runs until April 8 so you only have a week for a chance at the mount or any of the other cosmetics!
Originally published April 2, 2024; updated April 4, 2024. Quack.
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