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HearthstoneMay 23, 2024 1:00 pm CT

Hearthstone weekly quests made EASIER to complete than before, and the XP increase remains

Community feedback (and outrage) works sometimes: the Hearthstone team has not only fully reverted the weekly quest changes that had made the community livid, they’ve actually made those quests better than they were before those nerfs. You’ll only need to PLAY games rather than win them, making them easier to complete for a large number of players. And the increased XP they give still remains!

The previous change — which left the Hearthstone community flabbergasted — had increased the requirements to complete weekly quests by up to 200%, while their XP reward had only been increased by 20% to 25%. Needless to say, the community took to the forums and social media to express their displeasure, with some even saying they wouldn’t continue playing or spending money on the game until those changes were reverted.

A few days later, Blizzard announced that they’d listened to the community feedback and decided to scale the weekly quest requirements back down to a smaller number while keeping the XP increase where it was. This was a positive change, but it still didn’t truly address the dissatisfaction in the community. Many players still felt that they were being required to spend much more time engaging with the game, and some had decided to no longer even bother finishing those weekly quests.

According to Game Director Tyler Bielman, the Hearthstone team kept listening to player feedback and looked at their numbers — and perhaps they saw that player engagement with those quests had, in fact, diminished (as many predicted would happen). The result of such deliberations is that with patch 29.4.2 (which launches today), they’re actually fixing the weekly quests — and making them even better than they were before the first nerf:

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been listening to your experiences and looking at our data, and it’s clear that the new Weekly Quests didn’t do their job of rewarding you for your time playing the game. Going forward, we want to strike a much better balance between your time spent in Hearthstone and the rewards given by Weekly Quests.

So we’re making some more updates in this patch, reducing the requirements on the Weekly Quests that seem to be blocking player progression for many of you, while leaving the increased XP where it is. We hope these new changes will still reward you more while keeping Weekly Quests an attainable and fun goal for all players. We look forward to seeing how this iteration works out. Please keep the feedback coming!

These are the weekly quest changes going live today:

Win Games of Ranked

  • Old: Win 10 games of Ranked Hearthstone.
  • New: Play 10 games of Ranked Hearthstone.

Win Games of Arena, Tavern Brawl, or Battlegrounds

  • Old: Win 10 games of Arena, Tavern Brawl, or Battlegrounds.
  • New: Play 5 games of Arena, Tavern Brawl, or Battlegrounds.

Play Miniaturize or Mini cards

  • Old: Play 32 Miniaturize or Mini cards.
  • New: Play 10 Miniaturize or Mini cards.

Spend Mana

  • Old: Spend 750 Mana.
  • New: Spend 650 Mana.

This is a massive victory for the Hearthstone community. The developers have clearly listened to the feedback and landed on a solution that isn’t just a band-aid fix: it actually improves upon the quests we had before in a way that shows more respect to their players’ time. It certainly makes me more hopeful for the future direction of the game.

Originally posted April 16, 2024. Updated May 23, 2024.

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Filed Under: Weekly Quests

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