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HearthstoneMay 29, 2024 5:00 pm CT

How to win the Mimirons’ Faceoff Hearthstone Tavern Brawl

It’s time for a brand new Hearthstone Tavern Brawl with Mimirons’ Faceoff, where two versions of Mimiron face off (see what I did there?) to destroy the their double. This is a very simple Brawl to play because you don’t need to build a deck or even pick a class, but it can be a bit frustrating to win, as games are often decided fairly early based on your initial hand.

But there are some strategies you can use to turn the odds in your favor. Here’s what you need to know to win the Mimirons’ Faceoff Brawl.

Tavern Brawl basics

  • Name: Mimirons’ Faceoff
  • Description: Second Mimiron’s head appeared out of nowhere! Take control of a robot army and dispose of the obvious fake.
  • Fun level: 6/10
  • Difficulty: 5/10
  • Replayability: 6/10
  • Format: Standard
  • Type: PVP
  • Deck: Provided
  • Rewards: 1 Standard pack. This pack can contain any card from any set in the current Standard rotation.

This is an easy Brawl to play: all you have to do is click Brawl and go. When you jump into the game you’ll be given a pre-made deck packed with mechs and a unique two-stage hero power:

  • Robot Assembly: Passive. At the end of your turn, summon a random 1-Cost Mech. Then flip this hero power.
  • Super Robot Assembly: Passive. At the start of your turn, if you have at least 3 Mechs, destroy them and form V-07-TR-0N. Then flip this hero power.

V-07-TR-0N is a 4/8 mech with charge and mega-windfury, so you can immediately attack with it to clear your opponent’s board or go face for 12 total damage. When V-07-TR-0N gets summoned, you’re usually only a turn or two from the end of the match.

Making good use of this hero power — and preventing your opponent from making good use of it — is the key to victory. You want to get V-07-TR-0N as soon as possible and prevent your opponent from getting V-07-TR-0N, because whoever gets this massive mech on the board first is likely to win.

Also, while the hero power is unique, you’re considered to be playing a Paladin in this Brawl, which makes it a good one for completing any quests that require you to play Paladin.

How to win Mimirons’ Faceoff Tavern Brawl

The key to this Brawl is board control: your goal is to prevent your opponent from keeping three mechs on the board while you try to put three mechs of your own on the board in hopes of summoning V-07-TR-0N. Until you can get V-07-TR-0N down, your only job is to keep your opponent from doing the same.

That means you should mulligan for 1-cost cards you can get down quickly. You don’t want to play on curve as much as you just want to get cards on the board, and not having a 1-cost card in hand to play immediately usually means you’ve lost the game before it’s even started. I recommend holding on to Annoy-o-Tron and Whirlwind if you get them, but don’t do so at the expense of having mechs to play immediately.

Key cards:

  • Annoy-o-Tron may be the strongest card you can pick up. As a 1/2 taunt with divine shield, this mini mech is difficult to take down in the early game, letting you build out your board to get V-07-TR-0N.
  • Replicating Menace is another card to watch for. Magnetize it to anything on your board, and if your opponent kills it, you’ll immediately put three new 1/1 mechs on the board — enough to summon V-07-TR-0N. Avoid killing Replicating Menace (or anything it’s magnetized to) if you can, while trying to make your own Replicating Menace something your opponent needs to take down.
  • Whirlwind: This little AOE only does one damage, but it can take out a lot of mechs. It’s the only AOE in your deck, and you should use it to keep the board clear.
  • Anything that reduces minion costs, like Galvanizer, will help you get minions on the board faster, making it easier to summon V-07-TR-0N.

Once you get V-07-TR-0N on the board, the strategy is simple: go face and hit your opponent with everything you’ve got. You don’t usually need to worry about clearing your opponents’ board at this point, as they’ll be throwing everything they’ve got at your V-07-TR-0N — only take the time to clear out their board if they’re about to get their own V-07-TR-0N. Regardless, once V-07-TR-0N is on the board, the game is rapidly heading to a conclusion.

But sometimes this Brawl comes down to luck. Sometimes you’ll get a great hand and win quickly. Sometimes you’ll get a string of bad luck that you can’t come back from. These matches can end very fast, so mulligan aggressively for cards you can get down quickly.

Good luck, fellow Mimirons!

Originally published July 13, 2024; updated May 29, 2024

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