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WoWMay 29, 2024 4:00 pm CT

All of the new (and tropical) rewards in WoW’s June Trading Post!

We’re about halfway through the year and to celebrate the season of sea and sun, the World of Warcraft Trading Post has newly stocked inventory for all of your summer adventures. As always, you can buy any of these items with Trader’s Tender that you can get from just logging and hitting the large chest at Tawny and Wilder in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post in Orgrimmar. You can also get them from completing Traveler’s Log objectives. Most Traveler’s Logs are tailored to fit each month’s activities so if you don’t want to leave WoW Remix: Mists of Pandariayou will probably be able to earn Tender in that mode just like last month.

Regardless of what you choose to play, once you have your Trader’s Tender, you’ll have the choice of the following rewards in June.

June Trading Post mounts

The Cycle of Life finally rewards us with another type of rideable turtle mount, the Riding Turtle, for 700 Trader’s Tender. If that’s not your style, for the same price of 700 Trader’s Tender you can instead purchase the Pearlescent Goblin Wave Shredder mount (no refunds), provided it doesn’t shred you first.

June Trading Post transmogs and items

Two new summer-themed Ensembles hit the Trading Post this month and similar to last month’s Trading Post, if you don’t want to buy the whole set you can instead purchase the items by slot individually. While this option is great for people who may only want specifics, it kind of dilutes the rest of the Trading Post rewards down to a handful of mostly returning weapons or new variations of sarongs, gloves, and tabards.

We do get new toys: a parasol and a baller beach chair, which are worth grabbing to perfect your new beach day theme.

Arsenals and Ensembles




June Trading Post pet

The Trading Post pet this month is Marrlok for 500 Trader’s Tender. Marrlok is a strawberry pink version of Garrlok, one of the first Trading Post pets, though any relation beyond that is merely implied.

June Trading Post bonus reward

Completing June’s Traveler’s Log objectives will reward you with the X-treme Water Blaster Display toy. It looks like there are two versions you can choose to use, blue or pink, and it has a 30 minute cooldown timer between uses — and it definitely means next raid night will turn into a water gun fight.

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