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Video GamesJun 7, 2024 3:30 pm CT

How to watch Summer Game Fest 2024, starting now and lasting all weekend

Summer Game Fest, the video game industry’s largest annual event (now that E3 is officially dead, cremated, and its ashes scattered to the breeze), starts this week, and the sheer volume of shows  happening over the week is enough to make any gamer salivate. This is also the first SGF since Microsoft completed the purchase of Activision-Blizzard last fall, so there’s a chance we may see new information regarding The War Within or Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred  — especially now that this year’s BlizzCon has been canceled. Microsoft has its own show as part of the event, but we’ll need to wait and watch to find out whether Blizzard games will be in the opening ceremony or in the Xbox Games Showcase on Sunday.

But how does one watch all the events of Summer Game Fest?

The official website of Summer Game Fest will be simulcasting the YouTube presentation of the Opening Ceremony and all partner shows. If you prefer Twitch, head to thegameawards’ account to watch, but note it’s generally easier to view shows you missed or want to rewatch via YouTube.

Thursday, May 30

  • Sony State of Play: Already aired! Sony got a head start by broadcasting their event last week.

Friday, June 7

  • Opening Ceremony: 5pm ET, 2pm PT. The biggest event of Summer Game Fest, the Opening Ceremony is scheduled to last for two hours. You can watch the Summer Game Fest trailer to whet your appetite.
  • Day of the Devs, Summer Game Fest edition: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, immediately following the Opening Ceremony. Indie game reveals by iam8bit and DoubleFine.
  • Devolver Direct: 8pm ET, 5pm PT. Devolver Digital has made a name for itself with highly unusual and unusually violent presentations, so expect more of the same this year.

Saturday, June 8

  • Future of Play: 11am ET, 8am PT. Indie games presented by Glitch.
  • Wholesome Direct: 12pm ET, 9am PT. Presented by Wholesome Games, this indie showcase features cozy and uplifting games.
  • Latin American Games Showcase: 1pm ET, 10am PT. Over an hour of world premieres, exclusive trailers, and announcements from Latin American game developers.
  • Women-Led Games: 2:30pm ET, 11:30am PT. What’s next from women-led studios, exclusive deep dives, and launch date announcements.
  • Future Games Show: 3pm ET, 12pm. GamesRadar+ presents upcoming titles from Indie to AAA.

Sunday, June 9

  • Xbox Games Showcase: 1pm ET, 10am PT. Microsoft’s — and thus also Blizzard’s — gaming showcase. To be followed by a Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.
  • PC Gaming Show: 4pm ET, 1pm PT. Presented by PC Gamer, this showcase focuses on PC games (as the name and presenter suggest) and tends the run the gamut from indie to AAA studio games.

Monday, June 10

Where’s Nintendo?

The biggest name missing from Summer Game Fest this year is Nintendo, although fans of Mario and Switch shouldn’t fret too much: a Nintendo Direct has been announced for June but no date and time have been specified yet. We do know that the long-rumored Switch 2 will not be mentioned, so the next Direct will be about forthcoming games. This doesn’t mean that no Switch games will be seen at Summer Game Fest — there’s bound to be a few indie games for the platform, as well as games that are releasing across multiple consoles and PC.

Even without Nintendo as a direct participant, the Summer Game Fest promises to reveal a ton of new games to add to your wish list for every platform you play on. Stay tuned to BlizzardWatch for more info on announcements for Blizzard games — and other games as well!

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Filed Under: Summer Game Fest

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