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The War Within > WoWJun 7, 2024 9:00 am CT

Attention War Within beta testers: These Go to Eleven is an end-game only realm

We’ve seen a lot of confusion about this, so here’s the what you need to know about realms on The War Within beta servers. There are currently three realms available for beta testers: Alleria, Khadgar, and These Go To Eleven.

That last one is an odd name and an odd realm: These Go To Eleven is only for end-game testing, including raids, dungeons, and PVP content. (Though note that there is no raid testing schedule as of yet; expect a specific announcement when raid testing will be available.) These Go To Eleven only allows you to create a max-level character from template. There are no character copies and no low-level character creation. Here are the details:

Originally Posted by Linxy (Official Post)

  • ‘These Go To Eleven’ is a separate Beta region that is focused on end-game content and has multiple vendors setup to allow players to quickly and easily test out content.
    • Profession Vendors and Trainers
    • Class Set Vendors
    • PvP Gear Vendors
    • Trinket Vendors
  • This environment is locked to using a max level template only, and players will not be able to access the 11.0 outdoor zones as the focus of this environment is on instanced content (eg. raid, dungeon & pvp content).
  • Character copy is not available on this realm.

If you want to level though Khaz Algar and experience new outdoor content, you need to create a character on Alleria or Khadgar. Character copies, while they are an option on these realms, do not seem to be working just yet, so you can only create a level 70 template character.

If you need more advice, here’s everything you need to know about The War Within beta.

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