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The War Within > WoWJun 20, 2024 7:00 pm CT

Guild transfer services are leaving World of Warcraft (and maybe provide a clue about The War Within pre-patch)

guild battle standards

Blizzard will be shutting down Guild Realm Transfers and Guild Faction Transfers on July 22, 2024. Frankly, there’s a chance you might not even notice the change: this only affects guild transfers, and personal character transfer services will remain the same. With cross-faction guilds in the game now and cross-realm guilds coming in The War Within, guilds won’t need to make jumps like this. (Players won’t have to, either, which is certainly a cost savings for those of us who hop around to follow friends.)

However, this could be a clue of the patch 11.0.1 release date, which we predict will launch the week of July 23. It makes sense that Blizzard would shut down these transfer services right at the point when they might not be necessary. So, whether you’re particularly interested in guild services or not, this is the clearest sign yet that the pre-patch (and the ghostly pre-patch event) is coming in late July before the expansion launches in August.

Wait, does that mean we only have a month to collect all of that transmog? Better clear my schedule.

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