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Video GamesJun 28, 2024 6:00 pm CT

What to play (and watch!) this weekend: Steam Summer Sale, the next Final Fantasy 14 expansion, and Summer Games Done Quick

Another weekend, another chance to play some games! This week is a special challenge though as many gamers will find themselves with more games in their backlog next week than they started with. That’s right — it’s Steam Summer Sale time!

Deals of the week: Steam Summer Sale

Pretty self-explanatory! Besides checking to see what’s on sale on my wish list, I like to dig through the bargains to see if anything catches my eye. My wish list is pretty thin currently so there wasn’t much for me to get — an issue Anna most definitely does not have.

Expansion of the week: Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail

Final Fantasy 14‘s latest expansion Dawntrail launches in early access on Friday (full release is July 2). As usual with FF14 expansions Dawntrail comes with new job options, with Viper and Pictomancer added to the roster. Players also can now create female Hrothgar characters five years after the males became available in Shadowbringers.

Dawntrail is a story reset for the franchise, as the previous expansion Endwalker brought the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark to a conclusion. Described as a “summer vacation” of sorts for the Warrior of Light, the expansion sees our characters and the Scions embark to the new continent of Tural, where we become embroiled in a rite of succession for the throne of the Dawnservant. It should be expected that there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface as I’m sure we’ll discover as we level to 100.

DLC of the week: Stray Gods Orpheus

Stray Gods the Roleplaying Musical was released last summer and it was a charming game, with the modern world’s intersection with the surviving incarnations of the Greek Gods resulting in mystery and a lot of songs. Orpheus is the first DLC for the game and it follows the titular character out of Hades’ realm and back into the world alongside Hermes, who had a smaller role in the original game. Six new songs have been added, and while it’s currently unknown how much intersection it will have with the characters of the base game (which is required to play), a cameo or three is not out of the question.

Gaming event of the week: Summer Games Done Quick

Awesome Games Done Quick is one of this site’s favorite events, and it’s time for the Summer version! When you’re taking a break from gaming (or if you got a dual monitor setup) be sure to check out some of these amazing events over the next few days.

Now tell us, Watchers — what are you playing (or watching) this weekend?

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