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The War Within > WoWJul 24, 2024 10:00 am CT

Tooltips now list the expansion crafting materials come from, and my inventory is thankful

An open bank vault in Stormwind

Adding expansion information to crafting material tooltips may seem like a tiny quality of life improvement, but I assure you that this small change is going to have a big impact on your gameplay. And by that I mean it will help your overflowing backpack, bank, warbank, and void storage.

As you collect things over the course of an expansion (or two, or ten), you toss them in your bags. They’ll probably be useful later. You may need these crafting materials. What if you switch professions? What if you need someone to craft a great previous-expansion transmog? It could happen!

And come the end of an expansion, you may not remember where half of the things in your bags came from. (I know I don’t.) And it’s a lot to look up each item on Wowhead to see what it is and whether you really, actually need it, so it remains. Now, at least, you’ll be able to see at a glance that those gems in your bank are five expansions old and, no, you are never going to wind up going back to level Jewelcrafting. Let it go.

So thank you, Blizzard, for this small change which may have a profound impact on my inventory management routine (and sanity). But could you maybe expand this to include items beyond crafting materials? By this time next year I’m not going to have any idea why I’m still carrying around this Khaz’gorite Wire.

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