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The War Within > WoWJul 27, 2024 12:19 am CT

Latest War Within trailer is all about the vibes

Don’t expect any story from the latest World of Warcraft trailer, because this is all about vibes. And, in fact, it has a bit of a classic vibe, dating back to the original World of Warcraft trailer, which itself did not have an epic tale to tell, just characters out in the world. In that era of Orcs vs Humans, it was all about combat (of which this trailer has none), but it had a similar focus on people.

Uhm, and if you’re a fan of the new arachnophobia mode, maybe turn it off at about 1:40.

Vibes. Vibes and the intense dancing skills of the Harronir, who are rumored to be a future Allied Race.

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