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Discussion > WoWAug 12, 2024 8:00 am CT

Which WoW races should get Druid forms next?

Five different customizations for the Worgen's bear form.

We’re all thinking it: why, after an entire patch which took place inside the Emerald Dream itself, has Blizzard not seen fit to expand the list of races which can play as Druid? Are they daunted by the list of new customizations they would have to create? Clearly not, since they’ve added completely new races in four of the last five expansions. What, then? Why are the Druids of Azeroth keeping their secrets to themselves?

Personally, I think it’s time for a change. Here are my picks for an expansion of the playable Druids list.

Vulpera – File this one under Long Overdue. The Vulpera are self-sufficient, attuned to the slightest change in their environment, and clearly have some magical affinity, since they can already play as both Mage and Shaman. Also, who wouldn’t want to stalk the dunes as a sand cat or a maybe desert fox, or bounce across them as a llama?

Draenei – If the Night Elves can teach the Worgen to be Druids in a matter of months, why not these long-allied refugees? Here is an excellent opportunity to show us what the wildlife of Argus looked like before the Eredar sold out to Sargeras. The sky’s the limit, really.

Human – The Worgen can do it, the Kul Tirans can do it, so clearly there’s nothing in their ancestry preventing Humans from learning Azerothian druidry. Their cat form could be a lion–that’s easy enough. Maybe a horse for travel form? I see some potential for an urban-themed Druid here….

Undead – Hear me out. The Scourge plague didn’t just affect Humans and other intelligent denizens of Azeroth–it warped animals, plantlife, even the landscape itself. Not only that, but we spent an entire expansion in the Shadowlands learning to bridge this world with the one beyond, and two expansions dealing with the death-obsessed, druidic Drust. If Lightforged Draenei can be Warlocks and Shadow Priests, why couldn’t the Forsaken become Druids?

So what are your top picks for the next generation of Druids, and what would their forms be?

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