Roll into The War Within in style with these Radiant Echoes transmog looks

With the Radiant Echoes pre-patch event in full swing, hopefully you’ve earned enough Residual Memories to gear up your Warband and secure yourself a tiny memory-ghost Hogger. As always, after the event grind is over, the wardrobe choices beckon. The Radiant Echoes vendors offer a full set of armor of each type as well as an arsenal of weapons to choose from. Let’s hit the racks and see what looks are ‘in’ this pre-patch season.
The War Within is upon us, and our upcoming big bad antagonist is a personified knife-horror from beyond. So void looks are hot right now. The four event armor sets are pink and purple recolors of the light-based Argus questing gear, and honestly they do not look very different from each other. You can pick your favorite void-y weapon to go with any of the sets, and those typically drop from past corrupted foes such as Deathwing and bosses in the Bastion of Twilight.
I really like the cloth set with Ti’tahk, the Steps of Time from Heroic Dragon Soul. I’m positive that I wasn’t the first to think of pairing the plate set with a Hammer of the Naaru, an easy one from Gruul’s Lair. The mail and leather ensembles go well with weapons that drop from the original versions of the memories that we’re facing, like the Rusted Gutgore Ripper from Onyxia or Bloodsurge, Kel’Thuzad’s Blade of Agony from the Lich King.
And yet… you’ve probably already picked out a nice magenta weapon to go with your new gear. Let’s mix it up and find some different looks.
The Angry Scholar
As soon as I saw the Dalaran Defender’s Club up close, it thought it looked like something that a mild-mannered librarian would pull out of a closet to go adventuring with. My Druid would rather be reading books and picking flowers, but the Khadgar-phone rang once again. So he is reluctantly showing up to answer the summons wearing a look that says “as soon as the world is saved, I’m going back inside.”
The chest, legs, hands, waist, and feet are the Azerothian Archives “Historian’s” cosmetics, and I went with the Archivist’s Rose-Tinted Glasses for a well-read look. There aren’t any shoulders to go with it, so you can pick your own. I chose Runetotem’s Mantle from Serpentshrine Cavern for a dash of void.
The Professional Bug Squasher
The plate set is the spikiest, and it reminded me that we’re about to spend the next two years underground fighting off waves of creepy crawlies. Did someone call the exterminator? Time to strap on your Vile Fumigator’s Mask from the Love is in the Air event.
Don’t forget your protective footwear — you’ll be doing a lot of stomping on things that just scuttled out of eggs, and the Deep Stormrider’s Boots were the stompiest thing in my wardrobe. Those are from the new Stormrider Attire recolors from The War Within Heroic Edition, but you can use anything that looks like it would be effective at cracking a carapace.
Round off the look by scrolling all the way to the right on your weapon transmog page and picking something made for smashing. Now is your time to use those white and grey appearances — I went with the trusy ‘ol Large War Club.
The Radiant Rainbow
Perhaps you’re not a fuschia person. Maybe you’d like to delve into Khaz Algar wearing as much color as you can, to remind you of the hues of the world above. In that case, the mail head piece, Dalaran Defender’s Helmet, is the perfect topper for an outfit that will ensure that you’re the most colorful hero in the caverns.
You can pull out whatever you’ve got in your wardrobe for this one, as long as you follow the colors of the rainbow from bottom to top. The crossbow from the event, Dalaran Defender’s Bolter, matches the middle of the spectrum really nicely, but again, you can use whatever yellow-orangish weapons you have that match the rest of the outfit best.
Here’s the gear pictured above:
- Blue shoulders: Pure Sight Mantle
- Green chest: Auchenai Tracker’s Hauberk
- Yellow waist: Mogu Lord’s Chain
- Orange pants: Masterwork Legplates
- Red feet: Mercurial Greaves
The Birthday Buddy
Looking at the cloth set made me feel like going to a party. There’s just something about a nice purple and white robe that screams “celebration.” With WoW’s 20th anniversary coming up in November, you can swap out a few items to max out the festive meter.
As always, I celebrate in style with my Pink Party Hat from Shadowlands Tailoring. I managed to get my shoulders to spell out “20” (if you squint) with one Chillblain Spaulders and one Ascended Squallspires. Be sure to equip a matching cake-cutting implement — I like the Militant Exarch’s Slicer that drops from Argus Invasions. And don’t forget you’ve got to light the candles! There are plenty of fiery off-hands that are easy to find, like Grayson’s Torch.
You have until August 26 to collect enough Residual Memories to buy the pieces you need for these outfits, so smash those ectoplasmic invaders and get snazzy.
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