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The War Within > WoWAug 22, 2024 9:22 pm CT

How do I start The War Within quest to get to Khaz Algar? Here’s where to go to start your expansion journey!

Now that early access for The War Within has launched, you doubtless want to get to Khaz Algar as quickly as you can. But how exactly does one do that? Be cautious, because there’s at least one bug that might trip you up as you head into the new expansion!

Make sure you’re doing the right quests! If you’ve been waiting for the latest expansion content in Valdrakken, then it’s possible that you’ll have a prompt from Magni pop up, for a quest called A Dying World. If this quest name seems familiar to you, there’s a good reason for that: it’s an old, low-level quest. Specifically, it was the intro quest for Battle for Azeroth, that led you to getting the Heart of Azeroth. This quest should only pop up if the character you’re playing never did the BfA intro quest chain, even if someone else in your warband did, but it’s hard to be sure with bugs. To be clear, you do not have to complete A Dying World to get to Khaz Algar.

Finish the pre-expansion quest. But before heading to Khaz Algar, you do need to complete the pre-expansion quest chain, The War Within, in which Jaina or Thrall (depending on faction) will prompt you to go to Silithus. This quest chain has been in the game since pre-patch, so there’s a good chance you’ve completed it.

Head to Dalaran. If you’ve finished the appropriate pre-quest, what you actually want to do is go to Dalaran, above the Broken Isles. As you pass through your capital city you’ll get quest prompt from Moira Thaurissan for Slept Like a Rock, telling you that Magni is awake and you should speak to him. This is the quest that will actually kick-start your journey to Khaz Algar. Take a portal from your capital city,or use your Dalaran Hearthstone toy if you have one, and head back to the Portrait Room beneath the Chamber of the Guardian. Talk to Moira and you’ll be set on a quest chain that sends you on your way!

From that point on, just follow the campaign quests. I’m sure everything will be just fine. Enjoy The War Within!

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