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The War Within > WoWAug 22, 2024 11:00 am CT

Playing with friends is the World of Warcraft we want — and it’s the Warcraft we get in the new War Within trailer

Mounted players flying into Khaz Algar

World of Warcraft’s appearance at the Xbox Gamescom stream today was, shall we say, light on new information. So close to The War Within’s release, it was hard to imagine what the team would have to talk about at Gamescom, and what we got was primarily a recap of the game’s known features.

However, we did get a short new trailer, and I have to say I’m into it. We’ve had twenty years of trailers of the Alliance and Horde at war, and this time, it’s just the Alliance and Horde playing together. Huh.

Watching this diverse group come together at the end made my heart grow three sizes this morning (well, at least one size). I really did not expect it to be so heartwarming to watch this oddball group of an Undead, an Orc, a Night Elf, a Dwarf, and a Human — so much like the group of people I play with every day — come together in the end.

But the Alliance and Horde working together is one thing — a Resto Druid questing in the open world really strains credulity. Spec Guardian for that kind of thing.

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Filed Under: Gamescom, Trailer

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