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Video GamesAug 23, 2024 4:00 pm CT

What to play this weekend if you don’t have World of Warcraft’s The War Within early access

Happy Friday, Watchers, and welcome to our pre-expansion edition of “what to play this weekend.” Not all of us dove directly into World of Warcraft: The War Within when early access opened. This “what to play” is for the community members who saved themselves $40 — here are suggestions just for you.

Release of the week: Tactical Breach Wizards

Tactical Breach Wizards is a strategy game where you play a group of renegade wizards sussing out a modern day conspiracy theory; well, that, and trying to find the best way to knock a Traffic Warlock out a fourth story window. Wizards allows for rewinding your turn an unlimited number of times so that you can attempt to figure out the best solution possible; to quote the developers:

“If you can’t figure out a good solution, try a bad solution! It probably wont work, but you might realize what will.”

The campaign is about 15 hours long, and has been completely hand crafted (they used no random generation). Having played the developer’s previous games, Gunpoint and Heat Signature (a personal favorite of mine), there should be a good amount of laughs along the way. I’ve personally been waiting for this release since it was announced 6.5 years ago.

Get Tactical Breach Wizards for $18 on PC at Steam. Even better, there’s a demo on Steam that you can try out to decide if it’s for you.

Release of the Week 2: Electric Boogaloo: Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds

Also launching this week is Guild Wars 2‘s fifth expansion, Janthir Wilds. ArenaNet announced last spring that they were moving away from major expansions every 2-4 years with large content releases within (previously known as Living Worlds), and instead would be releasing smaller, cheaper expansions quicker – and Janthir Wilds is the second of these smaller expansions. Janthir Wilds brings with it four new zones (two at launch, two to be released in updates 3 and 4), new skins for the warclaw mount, player housing, and a new weapon for every class: the spear.

Guild Wars 2 is known for it’s horizontal endgame. Even if you hit the endgame and geared up back on Guild Wars 2‘s release, returning today would still have you fairly ready for the endgame. With zero monthly fees, Guild Wars 2 is a great MMO to keep on the backburner for those months where you really want to scratch that MMO itch, but don’t feel like a subscription fee.

Get Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds for $25 on PC at ArenaNet or Steam.

Steal of a deal (if you buy it in a bundle): Cobalt Core

Cobalt Core is a sci-fi rogue-like deckbuilder — wait, come back! Notable for it’s super adorable party members, spaceship combat, and interesting timeloop storyline, Cobalt Core is an absolute delight. If you are familiar with games like Slay the Spire or Monster Train, you’ll immediately understand the swing of things: pick a direction in the world map’s web of options, move to either do battle, shop, rest or interact with a random event, keep your deck in order, and hope when you get to the boss you’re up to snuff.

Where Cobalt Core differs is that you’re doing a series of 1v1 ship battles, moving your ship from side to side in an effort to keep from taking damage while you attempt to take out the enemy. Your crew all have individual backstories, have cute little interactions with each other, and really bring the game a breath of fresh air in a genre that has taken off in the last few years. Bosses, too, are completely over-the-top in a good way: let’s just say that there’s a frog named Soggins who has a, ah, very cool ship. Oh, and a mouse wizard named Wizbo who pilots a ship that is literally made up of medieval castle turrets.

Did I mention the game’s music is done by Minecraft composer Aaron Cherof?

Get Cobalt Core for $20 (or grab Cobalt Core and Tactical Breach Wizards for $34) for Nintendo Switch, and PC on Steam.

Bonus round: Diablo 4

Likely needing no introduction here at Blizzard Watch, Diablo 4 is the newest release of Blizzard’s well known Action RPG title. Currently in it’s 5th season, Diablo 4 is still a powerhouse in the ARPG genre. Create your character (Barbarian, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Rogue or Druid) and take part in the battle against the forces of Hell in an engaging story. Kill demons, collect loot, level up your character, and take the fight to Lilith.

Never played Diablo 4 and worried that it might be too late? Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. Even better, right now, Diablo 4 is free to try up to level 20 for the next few days — and, additionally — the Mother’s Blessing buff is in place, which will help you speed along to getting to the endgame to play with your friends, should you choose to pick it up after. And if you do, the Standard Edition also 40% off, but only on Steam.

Try Diablo 4 for free on PC at Steam (until Sunday).

Now tell us, Watchers — what are you playing this weekend? Share in the comments below, and we’ll feature your new interest in next week’s round-up!

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