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The War Within > WoWAug 26, 2024 3:00 pm CT

How to unlock Steady Flight in The War Within

While many members of the World of Warcraft community love the look and feel of Skyriding, not everyone is a top pilot and looking for a turbulent ride. The good news is that unlike Dragonflight where players had to wait for a future content patch, Blizzard made Steady Flight available day one in The War Within. The bad news is that you still have to buckle up and fly a fair bit via Skyriding to unlock it. Still, it is available immediately: you just have to complete the achievement The War Within Pathfinder by completing the campaign and fully uncovering the map of each new zone. That means all you have to do is stick to the campaign quest and fully explore zones as you do it.

If you’re eager to unlock Steady Flight but still want to hone your piloting skills at your own pace later then it’s worth mentioning that you can always partner up with a friend to complete the achievements. If you have a friend willing to help you out then make sure they have toggled the ability for a friend to ride along with them on specific mounts via the Skyriding skills and unlocks page found within your mount collection tab. Also to help in your exploration of every zone here is a collection of all of the new zone maps fully discovered.

For those of you who are looking to accomplish multiple goals at once then I have just the right suggestion for you: while making your rounds of Khaz Algar I suggest discovering all of the flightpaths and Skyriding glyphs as you explore the map. Finding all flightpaths will reward you with a 25% faster travel speed for those times you just want to take it easy. To help with this task, don’t forget that Blizzard updated map icons so that all undiscovered flight points show up green on your map making it easier to find them all. When you manage to find all of the Skyriding glyphs you’ll earn a mount, and though it won’t get you where you want to go any faster but it will at least take you where you want to go.

Now that we have discussed the how, the only thing left is when so what are you waiting for? Happy hunting and I hope to see you out there in the skies… or depths of Khaz Algar!

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