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Diablo > Diablo 4 > The War Within > WoWAug 26, 2024 4:00 pm CT

What World of Warcraft class should I try in The War Within as a Diablo player?

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred isn’t due out until October, and if you’ve already finished Season 5 — what’s a gamer to do? Join the broader Blizzard community in the launch extravaganza of The War Within, World of Warcraft‘s newest expansion. But if this is your first time diving into WoW, you may find the class options a little daunting compared to our beloved ARPG.

Here are my recommendations for what you should play based on your Diablo 4 class, and you didn’t even have to take a quiz to read them.

For Barbarians, you’ll be unsurprised at my first suggestion — give Warriors a try, especially the Fury spec. While I think any of the three specs (Arms, Fury, and Protection) are viable candidates, there’s something viscerally satisfying about wielding a massive 2H weapon in each hand. With skills like Charge, Heroic Leap, and Whirlwind, the experience will feel pretty familiar. Alternatively, if you want to try something a little different while still going JOHN @#$%ING MADDEN on your enemies, check out the Feral Druid. There’s something very satisfying about playing a frenetic, mauling cat that I think will appeal to your bloodlust.

For Druids, I just have two suggestions, both of which look incredibly fun! First, of course, is the WoW Druid — just as many options for shapeshifting with Bear and Cat forms, but also possibilities for celestial-based casting from Balance and healing as Restoration. However, Diablo Druids may also enjoy playing Shaman to embrace the elements, be it as the Elemental caster spec or Enhancement’s mace-to-the-face melee play.

For Necromancers, you’re the first class without a direct corollary, but you still have options! If you love your pet army, embrace the chaos of the Demonology Warlock or the chill of the balance with the Unholy Death Knight. If blood or shadow is more your preferred class experience, switch your considerations to Affliction Warlock or Shadow Priest. Stack on the DoTs and watch that health tick by. Feeling a bit spicy? Consider looking at the Blood Death Knight — similar vibes, but with tanking capabilities!

For Rogues, you may be excited to dive into the similarity of the WoW Rogue, especially the Subtlety spec, which now has the corner on the Shadow Dance skill. However, bend your consideration to the Marksmanship Hunter or Havoc Demon Hunter! You’ll output satisfying DPS numbers while netting valuable survival skills in your toolkit. Plus, your mobility cannot be denied — Demon Hunter’s Fel Dash will feel incredibly familiar.

For Sorcerers, you may lean towards Mage for an incredibly similar experience. Yes, you’ll feel right at home with Fire and Frost, but instead, look at Arcane. You’re hurling orbs of magical energy positively everywhere, and you have a beautiful bird friend along the way! If you’d like a bit of an adventure, might I recommend the sheer devastation of a Destruction Warlock? It’s all fire and brimstone, dialed to 11.

But wait — aren’t there a bunch of classes in World of Warcraft? Yes, there are a total of 13 classes! You should try them all before settling on something, much less paying for the game or a subscription. Blizzard has made getting started with a free trial account straightforward. Zip around until level 20 to see how your potential new class feels.

Clearly, we have loads of free time on our hands with Season 5 currently running and Vessel of Hatred due out in October (yes, this is sarcasm). That said, switching up games can be a lot of fun, and whether you’re a Blizzard veteran or Diablo 4 is your first of their titles, there is no better time than the start of a World of Warcraft expansion. So, spin up a trial account on Battle.net and give these recommendations a shot. See you in Azeroth!

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