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The War Within > WoWAug 26, 2024 8:00 am CT

Finally, Hunters can tame mummy dinosaurs, zombies, and other unique beasts in Zandalar

Hark, all ye Hunters! Since the release of patch 11.0.2, some old bosses are now tamable; this time from the lands of Zandalar, which means new dinosaurs. Let’s talk about some great new-old pets for Hunters to tame

Rezan (Atal’Dazar dungeon)

Beast Master Hunters who have learned the Simple Tome of Bone-Binding (or are Forsaken) can head into the Atal’Dazar dungeon and tame the ever-fearsome Rezan! Head on down to the bottom of the pit to find this ferocious apex predator and tame his boney glory.

T’zala (King’s Rest dungeon)

But Rezan is the tame limited to Beast Masters this time around; and all hunters can pick up this non-mummy dino. If awesome-looking zombie dinosaurs are your thing, head to the dungeon King’s Rest and clear to the King Dazar (final boss) encounter. Getting the King down to 60% health will have him spawn T’zala, a wickedly cool zombie raptor with armor plating. Much like with Rezan, you will need to either be Forsaken or have learned the Simple Tome of Bone-Binding to tame him.

Fetid Devourer (Uldir raid)

Not feeling the undead dinosaurs? Well, I have a treat for you. While you’re in Zandalar, take flight to the Uldir raid and clear your way to the Gallery of Failures. Here, you will face the mighty Fetid Devourer — a hydra with the heads of a lion, a tallstrider, and a… I’m not certain what the left head is, but it’s wicked! Grab this unique beastie today!

Grong (Battle of Dazar’alor raid)

Alliance and Horde get different versions of this next dastardly deviant. For both the Horde and Alliance, take flight once more to the Battle of Dazar’alor raid — though from here, you will have different experiences. Horde players can tame the second boss of their version of Dazar’alor, Grong! Make no mistake, this gorilla is the King of his Kong domain.

Alliance players, on the other hand, will need to clear to the third boss of their version of Dazar’alor, where they can tame, well, zombie Grong! If you ever wanted a version of Grong missing most of his skin and looking absolutely horrific, today is your lucky day! As with Rezan and T’zala, you will need to have learned the Simple Tome of Bone-Binding to catch this ghastly gorilla.

So, my favorite formidable friends, get out there and add more pets to your stables!

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