How to get around Dornogal, the Earthen capital city in The War Within

The War Within is World of Warcraft‘s latest expansion and as with all previous expansions we’ll be operating out of a major city that provides most of the services and NPCs a player needs. The location this time is Dornogal, the Earthen capital city, conveniently built above all the other zones in the expansion so far.
Unlike Valdrakken in Dragonflight, we arrive in Dornogal almost immediately after starting to level, and while our previous home was pretty well laid-out Dornogal is even more convenient — most of the important services are in the area known as the Forgegrounds. Still there’s a lot of places you’re going to want to visit while in the city so we’ve put together this handy location guid, because you can never find a city guard to give you directions when you need one.
Here’s how to get around Dornogal, the new capital city in The War Within.
The seat of government and a few services can be found in northern Dornogal
The northern half of Dornogal is dominated by Foundation Hall, where players will do most of their questing in the early stages of the campaign. As this section is mostly where the residents of Dornogal dwell there aren’t many services found here. Starting from Foundation Hall and going clockwise the ones you can find are:
A. Portal to Orgrimmar is inside the council chamber in the southwest corner and of course can only be used by Horde players.
B. Council of Dornogal Renown Vendor stands behind the council opposite the entrance to Foundation Hall. (If you’re looking for other Renown vendors, we have a guide.)
C. Portal to Stormwind is inside the council chamber in the northeast corner and is restricted to Alliance players.
D. Fishing Trainer is the only one of the profession trainers located away from the Forgegrounds and is found east of Foundation Hall at the southern edge of the river that runs into town.
E. Mythic Keystone Vendors are available for all your Mythic+ Keystone needs in a building southeast of Foundation Hall.
F. Item Upgrades and Crest Exchanges are done in Mythic Aspirations, located down the stairs and just south of the Mythic Keystone Vendors.
A Multitude of services in southern Dornogal
Most of the NPCs and locations that players will need are found in the southern part of the city, including the Bank, Auction House, and Profession Trainers (who are given their own section below). Starting from the Flight Master and heading clockwise these locations are:
G. Stonelight Rest Inn is just down the steps from the flight master. Besides an Innkeeper this is also where you’ll find the Cooking Trainer.
H. Delver’s Headquarters is located down a small flight of stairs northeast of the inn and flightmaster and is where you can find Brann Bronzebeard and the rest of the Delve team. You can also switch out Brann’s Combat Roles and Items from the Supplies on the table near Brann.
I. The Bank and Great Vault are found across the way from the Delver’s Headquarters north of the main building in the Forgegrounds. Guild Vault access is also found here.
J. The Auction House is located in the northeast corner of the Forgegrounds just east of the Bank.
K. Void Storage and Transmogrification courtesy of the Ethereals is found inside the Ether House at the entrance to the Fissure, a slightly disreputable section of town east off the Forgegrounds.
L. The Black Market Auction House is back and Madam Goya can be found at the end of the path in the Fissure, next to the Azj-Kahet portal.
M. Portal to the Weaver’s Lair in Azj-Kahet is found at the end of the path in the Fissure. This portal is two-way and is unlocked over the course of completing the leveling campaign.
N. The Barber is located at the entrance to the Fissure, south across the way from the Ether House.
O. Crafting Orders can be put in at the Crafter’s Enclave east of the main building in the Forgegrounds and south of the path to the Fissure.
P. Pet Charm Vendor is located in a building on the second level of the southeast corner of the Forgegrounds. Erani offers five new pets as well as Bandages and Training Stones.
Q. Stablemaster for all your hunter pet stabling and battle pet healing needs is in the southeast corner of the Forgegrounds just outside Contender’s Gate.
R. Training Dummies are found in the military courtyard of Contender’s Gate southeast of the Forgegrounds.
S. PVP Vendors can be found in a building on the northeast corner of Contender’s Gate. There’s also an Item Upgrade Vendor here.
T. Rostrum of Transformation is available to customize your Dragonflight mounts south of the main building in the Forgegrounds on the second level near several profession vendors.
V. The Coreway is on the western side of the city and is the main way for traveling down to the other zones in the expansion.
W. The Archive to the west of the Coreway is an important location for questing in Dornogal. The Horde and Alliance establish embassies on either side of the Archive during the max level campaign, but it’s currently unknown whether they’ll serve any function outside of flavor.
X. The Trading Post has made its way to Dornogal so you won’t need to visit the faction capital city to use it during The War Within. It’s located on the level south and below the flight master.
Y. Transmogrification is available in a building adjacent to the Trading Post if you don’t wish to travel to the Ether House.
Z. Matrix Catalyst for upgrading your armor to tier gear is conveniently located at the northern end of the main building of the Forgegrounds.
Profession Trainers and Crafting Tables
With the exception of the Fishing Trainer located in north Dornogal and the Cooking Trainer found in Stonelight Rest Inn, all of the Profession Trainers are located around and in the Forgegrounds southeast of the Flight Master. Starting closest to the Flight Trainer and moving clockwise, the trainers and crafting tables are:
1. Engineering Trainer and Tinker’s Workbench is located inside the main building of the Forgegrounds in the northwest corner.
2. Mining Trainer is found outside the main building on the lowest level just to the northeast.
3. Skinning Trainer is east and outside of the main building, one level up.
4. Leatherworking Trainer and Leatherworker’s Tool Bench is also east and outside of the main building and one level up, just south of the Skinning Trainer.
4a. Tailoring Trainer and Table is located directly south of the Leatherworker station; my apologies for missing it in the initial writeup.
5. Enchantment Trainer and Enchanter’s Lectern are found outside and one level up south of the main building.
6. Jewelcrafting Trainer and Jeweler’s Bench are south of the main building, one level up and outside.
7. Inscription Trainer and Scribe’s Drafting Table are another level up and just west of the Jewelcrafting station, south of the main building and close to the Rostrum of Transformation.
8. Alchemist Trainer and Alchemist’s Lab Bench are just south of the Rostrum of Transformation and across from the Inscription trainer.
9. Herbalism Trainer is located indoors southwest of the main building and the Rostrum of Transformation, and just west of the Alchemy station.
10. Blacksmithing Trainer and Blacksmith’s Table can be found indoors in the southwest corner of the main building.
We’ve only included the core NPC services in this guide, but be sure to check out other buildings and NPCs in Dornogal as there is a plethora of vendors selling grays and cosmetics as well as just average citizens providing flavor and making Dornogal feel like a living, vibrant place.
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