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Discussion > The War Within > WoWAug 28, 2024 8:00 am CT

Who are you leveling up after your main in The War Within?

With The War Within now upon us, most of us have figured out who our mains will be going into the new expansion. Yet sitting on the Warband login screen and looking at all of the characters that I have, I started to wonder who exactly would I be leveling after I finish getting my main raid ready. After all, I have one of every class on both sides of the aisle, so I could choose anyone.

As I’ve said in a previous article, I’m a Paladin main at heart. At least for Season 1 of The War Within I plan to play an Elemental Shaman — but that doesn’t mean that I’m leaving my Paladin in the dust. No, me and Dre have spent the last expansion beating up bosses, earning Fyr’alath the Dreamrender, and getting Ahead of the Curve, so I can’t leave him behind. Yet will he be the first character I level after getting my Shaman to cap?

With Warbands allowing us to spread the joy of warbound loot and reputation across our entire account, I’m actually considering making my first “main” alt my newly leveled Hunter. I’ve always found my Hunter alts to be my “sit back and chill” characters, as their pets can usually tank mobs pretty well and they’re not super stressful to play. However, with the introduction of Warbands, this means it’s a perfectly viable option to help grind out rep, especially if it comes out that Delves are easier on some classes than others.

What about you? Do you have an idea of how you’re going to level your alts, and is there a reason behind it? Will you clear all you can in the expansion before thinking about it, or do you level your alts back to back? At least for now, it’s a toss-up for me.

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Filed Under: Alt Army, Alts, Warbands

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