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Blizzard Watch WeeklyAug 31, 2024 10:00 am CT

Blizzard Watch Weekly: There’s no news because we’re all busy gaming

Well, not really since we do take occasional breaks from gaming to write, but the past week has really been dominated by The War Within’s launch. Most of us here at Blizzard Watch have been binging our way through the latest expansion, and we’ve written a ton of guides along the way.

If you haven’t jumped into the game yourself — or if you’ve been playing so much that you can’t keep up with what else is going on in gaming — here’s a rundown of what’s happening this week and what’s coming up next week.

New this week

Happening next week

Next week looks to be on the quiet side, though it could just be that my calendar is lulling me into a false sense of complacency. On the Warcraft front, everything is waiting for September 10 when Season 1 starts, so everyone still has this whole week to level and gear to be ready on launch day.

  • September 4 – 11: Diablo 4 2.0 PTR will give us a chance to test out all of the game’s big changes — but not the expansion itself. It will be available for PC Battle.net players only and give you the chance to try out the new leveling experience as well as Runewords and other end-game content.
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7, which the developers have said is arriving “next week” without a concrete time. The latest patch for BG3 includes mod support, new cinematics for player characters who are just plain evil, and the usual assortment of bug fixes and minor improvements.

This week’s podcasts

What to play this weekend

If you aren’t playing The War Within with us, you still have options. Star Wars Outlaws released this week to a lot of thoroughly okay reviews, earning a 76 on Metacritic. Jason Schreier pointed out that Ubisoft gave reviewers just a week to play the game and put their impressions into words, and it’s the sort of game that benefits from exploration — so you may not make the most of it by rushing through it, as reviewers did.

But if a big-budget Star Wars game doesn’t suit you, we have some more indie titles that may be more to your taste… though somehow three out of four of our game recommendations this week involve you playing an adorable animal. Two of those adorable animals are already in the afterlife, so you really can’t make their situation any worse (probably). Here are our game recommendations to play… or maybe wishlist… this weekend.

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