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The War Within > WoWSep 10, 2024 10:30 am CT

One last maintenance before The War Within Season 1

Long maintenance is starting to become a staple for The War Within, and so it’s no surprise that here at the start of Season 1, we have one more long maintenance day. The World of Warcraft: The War Within servers will be offline from 7am – 11am pacific today.

Assuming servers come back online as scheduled, that shouldn’t dig into our time in Nerub-ar Palace (Normal, Heroic, and LFR Wing 1), higher level Delves (Tier 4+), or Mythic+ dungeons (+zero only this week), all of which launch today. Though if you were hoping to get in some day-raiding, you have a few hours to wait.

Like most recent maintenance, whether in the usual Tuesday timeslot or popping up at unusual times (Thursday maintenance, anybody?), we don’t know what Blizzard is working on in these extra hours of maintenance. But the choices are endless, since we’ve seen a number of post-launch issues in the Auction House, banks (and guild banks and Warbanks), and more. My guild is still getting random guild achievement popups whenever players log on, which is… well, it’s fine, but also we got these achievements a decade ago, and it’s time to move on.

Most of these lingering issues aren’t game-breaking, but still, I can see why the game might need a few extra hours of maintenance lately.

Look for the retail WoW servers to come back online at 11am pacific (2pm eastern), with the first round of Season 1 content. In the meanwhile, I’m going to play some Pineappl’ar Palace to get ready for raid night.

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