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The War Within > WoWSep 11, 2024 3:00 pm CT

Flasks, oils, and… potion bombs? All the new consumables we know about in The War Within

Flasks are back, baby! Like always, The War Within promises to bring a whole array of flasks, potions, oils, and more to folks looking to maximize their effectiveness in raids or dungeons. Some of the ones we were used to in Dragonflight — like the half-duration phials or animal-themed fauna runes — have been left out this time around, while old favorites like flasks and weapon oils are back. There’s even an exciting new one for Engineers: the “potion bomb.”

Here’s a rundown of all of the new consumables in The War Within.

Flasks and potions in The War Within

As usual, Alchemy has a whole range of flasks and potions for your dungeon or raiding pleasure. Folks might be very happy to see the hour-long flasks returning; interestingly, they have now taken on the “duration doubling” feature that phials had — you can drink two flasks back-to-back and get two full hours out of them. There are also both potion and flask cauldrons, and the materials don’t seem outrageously bad, unlike the last two expansions where they were practically a loss of materials to craft.

Also, for once Engineering provides some consumables as well — right now they have items for Potion Bombs of Power, Recovery, and Speed. It’s a very interesting idea, as Engineering doesn’t usually offer direct raid power in that way. They can also make the Pausing Pylon, to ensure your raid buffs don’t fall off while on a raid break… or while your raid leader is being longwinded.

Weapon stones and oils in The War Within

Blacksmithing and Enchanting can produce a range of temporary weapon enhancements; while alchemists last made weapon oils in Shadowlands, they have returned to being a product of enchanting in The War Within. There’s also a single weapon enhancing stone for melee users, but those don’t seem to be complete yet.

  • Weapon oils: there are three, and they’re fairly straightforward — Algari Mana Oil increases your Critical Strike and Haste, Oil of Beladar’s Grace has a chance to proc extra healing when you heal, and Oil of Deepening Shadows gives you a small Shadow damage proc when you deal damage. All weapon oils last for two hours, to boot!
  • Weapon stones: the usual pairing of sharpening stones (for bladed weapons) and weightstones (for blunt weapons) has returned; The War Within has the Blacksmithing-produced weapon stones, the Ironclaw Weightstone and Ironclaw Whetstone. Like always, they add a little more attack power to your weapon, depending on what kind of weapon it is.

While Hunters have sometimes had to use something different in the past, like Completely Safe Rockets, there’s nothing in the tooltip of the oils that indicates hunters can’t use them this time around.

Drums and runes in The War Within

Last but not least, Leatherworking will still be able to make a brand new drum — the Thunderous Drums — so that groups that ordinarily would be without Bloodlust or Heroism don’t have to do without it; meanwhile, Inscription can still make Vantus Runes for the new raid, even if they’re off the hook for stat-producing consumables in The War Within. Expect a new tier of those for each raid, as well.

Originally published April 26, 2024; updated September 11, 2024.

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