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The War Within > WoWSep 13, 2024 8:00 am CT

All of the powerful gear and useful items you can get from The War Within Renown factions

A stone city seen from above.

Each of the Renown quartermasters in The War Within offers you a variety of useful items at all Renown levels but at certain ranks, each faction will sell you high-level gear for different armor slots as well as other useful recipes and craftables to help you as you level up. Each faction has a specific type of gear you can earn in two different tracks: ilvl 584 Veteran (upgradeable to ilvl 606) and ilvl 597 Champion (upgradeable to ilvl 616). The main difference between each faction is which rank you can earn these items.

You also need to account for the different currency to buy the item you’re looking for: gear will cost you Resonance Crystals, recipes and craftables require Artisan’s Acuity, and anything for the Severed Threads (or Azj-Kahet vendors) can only be bought with Kej.

Here’s what gear you can buy from each faction quartermaster, what rank you need to be with that faction to unlock, how much it costs!

Council of Dornogal

Assembly of the Deeps

Hallowfall Arathi

Severed Threads

How to raise your Renown with each faction

It takes 2500 reputation to earn ranks with any Renown faction but since ranks are now tied to your Warband, your standing with each of the factions will be the same across all of your characters. The first time you play through The War Within main story campaign you’ll earn large chunks of reputation for each faction and by the time you finish, you should be somewhere around rank 3 with each faction. From here, you have a few options on raising your Renown:

  • Completing world quests in a specific zone will reward reputation with that zone’s main faction
  • Zone specific events
  • Contracts and Pacts (specifically for the Severed Threads)
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