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Overwatch 2Sep 13, 2024 3:00 pm CT

Warcraft is coming to Overwatch, just like we knew it would

It looks like we’re all going to Blizzard World in the latest Overwatch 2 trailer, which announces a (not exactly surprising) Warcraft crossover event. The Overwatch team strongly hinted that Warcraft-themed skins were coming when it introduced its latest hero Juno with a video that included a teaser shot of Frostmourne, and at Gamescom Blizzard revealed a Sylvanas skin for Widowmaker.

It seemed certain that more Warcraft skins would be arriving for WoW’s 20th anniversary: now here they are, complete with a new theme-park styled trailer which I frankly love.

The lineup of Warcraft cosplay skins includes the Lich King for Reinhardt, Diamond Magni for Torbjorn, Thrall for Zenyatta, and of course Sylvanas for Widowmaker.

You’ll be able to pick up these skins starting on September 17. We might see some new mid-season Twitch Drops around the same time, but nothing has been announced on that front yet — we’ll let you know if there are any more announcements.

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