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Discussion > The War Within > WoWSep 24, 2024 8:00 am CT

Where do you think we’ll be going next in The War Within?

A map of Khaz Algar

Naz’jatar. Argus. The Emerald Dream. Some of World of Warcraft‘s most unique zones have been released mid-expansion, as part of major patches or even minor ones. It seems inevitable that we will discover two or three new areas before the end of World of Warcraft: The War Within, but where do you expect the story to go from here?

One oft-mentioned area when discussing The War Within even before its launch was the Undermine. This underground area could very well link somehow with the caves of Khaz Algar, and in fact we’ve already found goblins setting up camp in Azj-Kahet. (Speaking of Under … uh, things? … could we get Gnomeregan or the rest of Undercity back? Please, Blizz?)

A few more ideas come to mind while exploring Hallowfall. The first and most obvious is, where do the Arathi themselves come from? We’ve gleaned from various quests and “Stay Awhile” dialogues that their empire isn’t on any map currently possessed by the Horde or the Alliance. Does that mean we’ll get to visit at some point? And when we do, will we find them as welcoming as the Arathi we know, or will our meeting spur a fresh crusade?

The second is the vast Undersea from which the Void-wielding Kobyss emerge. A suspicious denizen of the waters there mentions a sea beneath the sea, to which it warns us not to bring our Light. This could certainly be a place for Xal’atath to retreat to now that we’ve foiled her plans for Hallowfall.

As for me, I can’t help but wonder about the suspiciously spiraled roots decorating the roof of northern Azj-Kahet. Could we soon discover a hidden world tree, bathed in the light of the upper half of Hallowfall’s star and threatened by the black blood which even now drips through cracks in the ceiling?

So where do you think we will go next—up, down, or elsewhere?

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