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The War Within > WoWOct 8, 2024 11:00 am CT

Aggregation of Horrors in Ringing Deeps is this week’s World Boss in The War Within

The War Within Season 1 continues and we’ve made a full circuit of all the World Bosses with the return this week of the Aggregation of Horrors in the Ringing Deeps. As in Dragonflight and Shadowlands the first tier has four World Bosses on rotation, one in each of the leveling zones. Fortunately there remain no mechanic drops similar to the older expansion’s Legendary Memories so players won’t have to worry about missing out on something important (besides the chance of loot) if they skip a week. As usual the World Bosses drop items that are ilevel-equivalent to the Normal difficulty of the concurrent raid, although with the more staggered ilevels in Nerub-ar Palace it should be noted that World Boss drops are i603, or equivalent to the middle bosses of the raid. They can also be upgraded, starting at Champion 3/8. Unlike previous expansions, however, the World Bosses have the same loot table (with the exception of a Ring with differing stats).

Aggregation of Horrors actually starts off with a mini-event, as you need to fight off Skardyn that are trying to impede three Point Breakers who will remove the shield protecting the boss once in position. Unfortunately there’s a chance the event bugs out, so you may have more luck looking in the groupfinder for a fight where the Aggregation is already attackable. The boss itself is pretty standard; crystals get thrown out (try not to be where they land) that if not destroyed in time spawn adds, although most groups will probably let that happen and just cleave them down with the boss. There is also a Voidquake that does raidwide damage that healers will need to look out for — a main reason to do this in a group rather than just tag along.

The Horrors are Ringing in the Deeps

The Aggregation of Horrors and pre-event spawn on an island at the southernmost portion of the Ringing Deeps, near the Opportunity Point settlement. Despite the distance there are no major impediments to getting there.

The gear that Aggregation drops matches the normal Palace appearances, so those looking to farm transmog as well as gear upgrades will want to take the time to down the boss. In addition to unlocking the normal look, upgrading from Champion 3/8 to 5/8 will unlock the heroic appearance as well. Unlike the Dragonflight first tier bosses, Aggregation of Hours drops two possible armor pieces for every class in addition to a ring that can drop for all characters:

  • Ring is Haste/Mastery, with an emphasis on Haste
  • Cloth classes can get a Chest that matches the Priest appearance or a Belt that matches the Warlock set
  • Leather classes have a chance at Legs that match the Demon Hunter set or Boots that match the Monk appearance
  • Mail classes can receive a Chest that matches the Hunter appearance or Boots that match the Shaman set
  • Plate classes have a chance at Legs that match the Death Knight set or a Belt that matches the Paladin appearance

As always we should expect defeating Aggregation of Horrors to count as a World Quest with possible rewards of gold, Coffer Key shards (used for Delves), and Resonance Crystals.

Originally published September 10, 2024. Updated October 8, 2024.

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Filed Under: World Boss, World Quest

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