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Mobile > Warcraft RumbleOct 18, 2024 10:00 am CT

Warcraft Rumble gets a spooky event to celebrate the Halloween season!

Warcraft Rumble has gotten into the Halloween spirit with its first in-game event tied to a holiday — Hallow’s End. The event is running from now until November 6, 2024, and you’ll be able to earn some delightfully themed units and cosmetics to show off your love of spooky things — or at least your love of pumpkins.

Over the course of the three weeks, you’ll get to test your survival skills against some giant monsters, fight a vicious Wereworgen, and test your mettle against the Headless Horseman himself! Along the way, you’ll earn Pumpkin tickets to spend on everything from new player portraits, an Undead skin for your Kobold Miner, and two new Hallow’s End-themed Minis — Dire Batlings and the Headless Horseman. As well as a pile of gold, Arclight energy, and experience for your minis.

That’s not the end of the Hallow’s End goodies though. During the event you’ll also get a slate of special spells added to your armies. You’ll be able to summon Witching Trees that let you deploy armies next to them, similar to Onu’s leader ability. You can also deploy Skeleton Bombs to turn your enemies into Skeletons. How that differs from a regular bomb we haven’t figured out yet, but top Rumble scientists are working on it! Best of all there are the Pumpkin Spice bombs to send your units into a Bloodlust — just like in real life!

You better work quickly though, the Headless Horseman will only be available to earn during this event. Miss him and you’ll have to wait until next year for another chance to add him to your army.

If you just can’t get enough of the Hallow’s End spirit, you can also spend $20 to buy a cosmetic pack of Hallow’s End skins for your buildings. It’ll turn your towers into a spooky pumpkin, a big black bat, and the Headless Horseman’s horse’s head depending on what kind of tower they are.

I love that we’re finally getting Rumble events at a good pace. Between the Cenarion Festival and this season’s Ysera event, it’s a good way to shake up the Rumble gameplay and have some in-game challenges to work toward — besides raiding Molten Core and Onyxia. I also love that we’re finally getting more cosmetic options to spruce up our armies. I just hope that we can see more of the minis get alternate skins, Tirion would look pretty amazing in a set of Paladin Judgement armor.

There is still a Rumble one-year anniversary on the horizon for this season — it’ll likely follow closely on the heels of Hallow’s End. Past that though we’re still in uncharted waters. I hope that in a couple of months, we’re celebrating Winter’s Veil and putting festive decorations on all of our minis.

But until then, it’s time to launch more pumpkins at my enemies!

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